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Chapter 13: Progress

Using 'Nen' to amplify one's strength can be considered a bit cheeky since Uvogin doesn't yet understand how to utilize 'Nen'.

However, Luo's body has mysteriously regressed to that of a ten-year-old, with all aspects of his physical capabilities reduced to that age level, whereas Uvogin is fifteen. This age difference is the most fundamental gap between them.

Moreover, there's an even more apparent disparity in their physical fitness.

Uvogin has been consistent with his training, achieving a physique that surpasses that of his adult phase. From the start, this contest was never on equal footing. To be precise, the notion of fairness doesn't exist in contests or battles.

The victor is king, and the defeated is the outlaw.

Uvogin lost, an indisputable fact.

After the rock that served as their elbow's fulcrum crumbled, Uvogin maintained his arm wrestling stance, seemingly unable to accept his defeat immediately.

He's never been one to ponder, but now, one question deeply troubled him.

Why did Luo's strength suddenly explode?

That was the question on his mind.

Nobunaga and Machi exchanged looks, struggling to accept this reality for a long while.

If Luo had been a muscular man, it would have been one thing, but he appeared as a ten-year-old child.

Although Luo won, he knew this was only temporary. He had a premonition that Uvogin would soon grasp the threshold of Nen abilities on his own. By then, he would undoubtedly be unable to surpass Uvogin.

To maintain an edge over Uvogin, Luo needed to become stronger before Uvogin touched upon 'Nen'.

Retaining the 'Nen' that overflows on the body's surface—Ten.

Releasing a large amount of 'Nen' through the Aura Nodes—Ren.

Transforming 'Nen' into abilities—Hatsu.

Beyond these, there's a technique to hide one's aura, and even higher techniques derived from the four basics.

Luo only had a rough concept of these 'Nen' techniques and needed time to explore and master them; there's no shortcut to greatness.

In summary, from now on, every spare moment must be dedicated to training without any slack.

"It seems you can't accept it," Luo turned his thoughts, observing the trio before him.

Machi and Nobunaga were at a loss for words. The truth was in front of them, acceptance was not an option.

"Let's have another match."

At this moment, Uvogin stood up, towering over Luo with his height advantage.

He hadn't given up, nor had he made any excuses. He simply couldn't accept his loss, hence the request for another round.

"Okay." Luo agreed without hesitation.

Seeing Luo's prompt agreement, Uvogin's eyes flickered with surprise. Without a word, he removed his protective suit, leaving only his underwear.

With the protective suit off, Luo saw Uvogin's well-defined muscles. They weren't as exaggerated as a professional bodybuilder's but had a sturdy beauty, well-proportioned and not ostentatious.

Yet, Luo knew Uvogin would become much stronger in the years to come.

"Let's find another suitable rock." After shedding his protective suit, Uvogin scanned the area and quickly found a rock of similar height with a relatively smooth surface.

Seeing Uvogin and Luo prepare for another match, Machi and Nobunaga felt an unexpected surge of anticipation.

They were curious to see if Luo could win against Uvogin again.

Typically, after a high-intensity arm wrestling match, the muscles enter a state of latent fatigue. Engaging in a second match shortly after wouldn't allow for peak performance, but this didn't apply to Uvogin and Luo.

Uvogin's exceptional physical condition and Luo's use of 'Nen' exempted them.

Quickly setting up at the new rock, Uvogin approached this round with greater caution, mindful of Luo's unexpected power surge.

"Being cautious now? Useless."

Luo focused, employing 'Ten' again, releasing a vast amount of 'Nen' to boost his strength instantly, but this time he moderated the force, not going all out from the start.


Uvogin's expression changed dramatically as his arm was effortlessly pushed down onto the rock once more.

Defeated thoroughly...

This thought crossed the minds of Uvogin, Nobunaga, and Machi, but they were also perplexed.

As Luo exerted force, they vaguely sensed an indescribable aura from his body, possibly a solidified momentum?

"You've won."

Uvogin took a deep breath, his face marked by unwillingness.

Luo nodded slightly, withdrawing his arm.

Observing the intact rock, Uvogin asked after a moment, "Did you control your strength?"

"Did you notice?"

Surprised by Uvogin's question, Luo glanced at the unbroken rock, realizing his control over force was more refined than he thought.

Machi and Nobunaga felt somewhat numb to their conversation. Luo's displayed strength exceeded their expectations, with Uvogin unable to withstand even three seconds.

Machi even reconsidered if Luo had been pretending to be weak, unaware that Luo's formidable strength stemmed entirely from 'Nen'.

"For example, if Luo's physical condition is a finger, then Uvogin's is thirty fingers, a thirtyfold difference. But with 'Nen,' Luo amplified his to fifty fingers.

This is the difference between those who can and cannot use 'Nen,' the boundary between ordinary and extraordinary.

"In a month, let's match again!" Uvogin suddenly suggested.

Luo agreed immediately, the prospect of a formidable rival spurring his desire to grow stronger.

Luo couldn't bring himself to dislike these future members of the Phantom Troupe, hoping they might change their ways...

"Let's head to the Junkyard now; I'm tired of rice soup every day," Luo said, eager to improve their diet.

Machi's expression darkened at the reminder of the monotonous meals.

"According to our deal, you get half of today's loot," Uvogin put on his protective suit.

Remembering their agreement, Luo couldn't help but smirk at Machi, who turned away, ignoring him.

"Last time, you appeared naked but seemed unaffected by the miasma. But can you be sure it won't affect you over time?" Nobunaga's timely concern indicated his acceptance of Luo.

Machi and Uvogin also shared this worry.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine," Luo reassured them confidently, certain of his resilience to toxins and miasma based on past experiences on Earth.

Meanwhile, Marza navigated the alleys of the East Street to a house, knocking on its wooden door.

"Come in," a muffled voice responded from inside.

Pushing the door open, Marza was greeted by smoke and eleven men either sitting or lounging around.

"Marza, did a donkey kick your face?"

One bald man, lifting his gaze from a book, quipped at the sight of Marza.

"Boss, there are no donkeys in Meteor Street," a chubby man beside him interjected.

The bald man smacked the book onto the chubby man's head, exasperatedly explaining, "It's a metaphor! I told you to read more books, but you never listen."

The chubby man, rubbing his head, wondered if metaphors were indeed applicable in such situations.


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