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Chapter 12: Training

Uvogin's interests lay in physical training and fighting.

His dedication to training was relentless, even obsessive, granting him exceptional physical strength far surpassing his peers. To Uvogin, arm wrestling was another form of combat, a strength-based competition.

Machi and Nobunaga had never seen Uvogin lose in terms of strength. Watching Luo insist on arm wrestling with Uvogin, they both felt sorry for him. Not even Machi, let alone Nobunaga, could avoid arm soreness, even if not breaking a bone.

"I'll referee. Count down from three, and start immediately," Nobunaga said, intrigued by Luo's challenge despite expecting a predictable outcome.

Seeing Nobunaga more excited than Uvogin, Machi shook her head slightly, turning her attention to the clasped hands of Uvogin and Luo.

Arm wrestling requires not just strength but also technique. However, Uvogin's sheer force could easily overwhelm any strategy.

"Like this... you're not cut out for Meteor Street," Machi thought, looking at Luo's serious expression. "Even intuition could be wrong."

"Ready?" Nobunaga glanced at both competitors, sparks seemingly flying even before the start.

Both Luo and Uvogin nodded slightly.

"Alright, on my mark," Nobunaga said with a grin. "3, 2...1!"

As the sound of '1' lingered, Uvogin showed no courtesy, exerting his full strength immediately. His protective suit, thankfully roomy, might have burst otherwise.


Even with 'Nen' covering his right arm, when Uvogin exerted force, Luo's arm tensed to its limit, feeling a powerful surge pushing him slightly outward.

"Oh? I underestimated you."

Uvogin was surprised not to have instantly defeated Luo, considering him weaker than Machi and expecting an easy win.

While Uvogin still had the ease to speak, Luo ignored him, struggling against the tidal force.

The stalemate continued for a moment, Luo visibly at a disadvantage, his arm slowly being pushed outward.

"Not bad, kid," Nobunaga expressed his surprise, having expected an instant defeat for Luo. It was uncertain how long Luo could last against Uvogin's strength.

"My longest record was 11 seconds, Machi's was 10, and it's been about 4 seconds now?" Nobunaga observed their intense effort, genuinely entertained.

Both Nobunaga and Machi were astonished. Half a month ago, Luo was significantly weaker, now managing to withstand Uvogin for over 5 seconds, proving the punch block on the street wasn't a fluke.

For a moment, Machi considered if Luo was playing possum, but quickly dismissed the thought. It appeared Luo had transformed during his time at home.

Yet, how could half a month's time boost his strength to this extent, especially on a diet of barely sufficient rice soup?

As Machi pondered, the standoff reached 10 seconds, surpassing her record. At 11 seconds, it matched Nobunaga's record.

"This kid..."

Nobunaga looked at Machi, who also turned to him. Both saw surprise in each other's eyes, then refocused on Luo's struggling arm.

How could Luo's slender arm, lacking visible muscle, withstand Uvogin's force?

Arm wrestling technique involves waiting for the right moment to exert force, not using full strength initially but resisting the opponent's push to find an opening.

On Balsa Islands, a tribe holds monthly arm wrestling to determine the bravest warrior, influencing their combat and hunting style to focus on defense before finding a lethal opportunity.

Luo employed a waiting strategy, while Uvogin relied purely on overpowering strength. Once fatigued, Uvogin would be vulnerable.

"20 seconds," Nobunaga whispered.

Machi nodded, Uvogin falling silent since his first comment, possibly recognizing Luo's strength and focusing all his energy.

"But Uvogin is likely to win," Nobunaga noted, seeing Luo's arm nearly pushed down. Typically, such a disadvantage meant waiting for the opponent's exhaustion for a comeback.

However, Uvogin's stamina was formidable, making a comeback unlikely. By now, Luo's arm must be in pain.


Nobunaga paused, surprised to be seriously considering the outcome, a pre-match impossibility. Luo's endurance was unforeseen.

"30 seconds," Machi reminded, keeping her eyes on the match.

Nobunaga chuckled, conceding respect for Luo. Uvogin must be pleased to have met a worthy opponent.

He noticed Uvogin's unprecedented focus.

"It's about time," Uvogin eyed Luo's nearing defeat, ready to finish it, surprised by Luo's resilience.

Luo's arm neared collapse

, realizing Uvogin wasn't weakening.

"5 seconds? No, maybe just 3 more," Luo braced, having used 'Ten' but still at a disadvantage. Without 'Ten,' he would've been overpowered in seconds.

How could he win?

Explode with 'Nen,' surpassing Uvogin's strength momentarily?

How to unleash it?

Imagining releasing 'Nen' from his body...

As his arm nearly fell, Luo grew desperate, considering 'Nen' and 'Ten' as his last chance.

"Don't panic, focus. Imagine releasing 'Nen' from your right arm!"

Luo's gaze sharpened, his pores dilating to the max, releasing 'Nen' explosively.

Using 'Ren,' one of the four basic techniques, he enhanced his physical strength significantly.

As 'Nen' burst forth, Uvogin felt Luo's sudden strength increase, caught off guard by the pressure, then...


Luo, from a disadvantaged position, slammed Uvogin's arm down in less than a second.

Uvogin was stunned, as were Nobunaga and Machi.

"Lost?" They were baffled, Luo's imminent defeat turning into Uvogin's loss.


Luo exhaled, his pores contracting, 'Nen' returning to normal.

As he withdrew his arm, the rock they used as a table cracked.

"You lost."

Luo smiled, his victory over Uvogin a moment of realization.

No need for excess concern; being strong is enough.

Indeed, let the world adapt to oneself!


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