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In Chapter 4, We Shall Finally be again covering Kanto. Last time we discussed West Kanto and the Johtonian border, and this Chapter will delve into the other sections. North, South, and the Sea.

Without further ado, let's begin with where we left off, heading east from Pewter City, into Cerulean CIity.

Cerulean City is something of a hub for many trainers into the remainder of Kanto coming from the West. Cerulean lies at the eastern foot of the Silver mountains. It's home to the Cascade Badge, one of Kanto's eight League Badges.

It is a city that has an affinity with water- Though not saltwater from the sea, but freshwater from the mountains and the Cerulean River. Along the Cerulean river is the Cerulean Cave. Cerulean Cave is only available to be explored by expert trainers due to the dangerous creatures inside.

Aptly, then, for Cerulean's watery environment, let us discuss some of the various fish pokemon that abound in Kanto's sea-routes that we have yet to cover.


Golduck's line is comprised of Psyduck and Golduck and are both water type. They both belong to the Water 1 and Field egg groups.

Psyduck is an odd sort. It is where the phrase "what an odd duck" is derived. They are seemingly confused and beleaguered at all times, but in fact they are quite adept. It's impossible to tell whether they are holding their heads due to pain or because they are using some sort of power.

Golduck stand at five feet tall and gain a jewel on their foreheads. Many assume Golduck to be psychic type due to its abilities but this isn't so, it merely is able to learn a great many psychic abilities. It is an adept swimmer and occupies seaside areas.


Poliwag's line consists of Poliwag, who evolve into Poliwhirl into either Poliwrath or Politoed. They are all water type with Poliwrath uniquely possessing the fighting-type. They are part of the Water 1 egg group.

Poliwag are prey to many water-dwelling pokemon, as well as more occasionally bird-types. They are clumsy on their feet, but their tails allow them to swim easily. Like the rest of their line, they have a swirl on their stomachs which is the outline of their intestines.

Poliwhirl grow out of their fins and gain arms.

Poliwrath gain the fighting type and massive arms. They also stop being prey animals. They have been known to be able to swim across oceans and their wide backs make them excellent at being surf companions.

Politoed are interesting creatures, they are an evolution that evolved to adapt to the Johto region. Their skins are much thicker, but they retain a swirl on their stomachs. The larger their hair is the more they are respected, and they are at the top of the Poli-line's hierarchy.


Tentacool evolves into Tentacruel. Both are water-poison type and are in the Water 3 group.

Tentacool are a common sight the world over in bodies of water. For this reason they have been dubbed "the zubat of the sea," pestering trainers and boats alike. Fishermen in Hoenn and Kanto use special gloves to avoid their stinging acid. When they are not in the water for long periods they shrivel and die, but they can be sustained by Pokeballs in captivity.

Tentacruel evolve only rarely, due to Tentacool being so heavily preyed upon, but when they do, they turn from prey to predator. They grow until their environment can't sustain them, so deep-sea Tentacruel can grow to immense sizes. Their stinging beak also helps it catch prey.


Krabby evolve into Kingler. They are both water-type and belong to the Water 3 egg group. Kingler possesses a gigantimax form.

Krabby are small, from ten centimeters to half a meter, but their claws should not be scoffed at. It burrows in sand on beaches, so watch out while walking if you don't want to be bitten.

Kingler are strong and deft. They begin to favor one claw, using it as either a club while closed or a deadly pincer while open. The claw, while powerful, is heavy, so it uses the other claw for more mundane activities. It preys on Tentacruel. Its gigantimax form gives it a larger reach and a bubblefoam beard. If you see one, contact the coast guard at once.


Horsea evolve into Seadra into Kingdra. They are water type with Kingdra obtaining the dragon-typing. They are part of the Water 1 and Dragon egg groups.

Horsea is a small creature. Its mouth doubles as an inkjet- Ink is spewed from it while in danger. It is omnivorous, eating both water-plants and small bugs. In Hoenn, Horsea are more aggressive and feed on Surskit. It is not a fast swimmer, but they are hard to catch due to being able to move in any direction at will.

Seadra were once thought to be the final evolution of Horsea, but in regions with clean water like Johto, they evolve. Seadra are much faster in the water. Curiously, the males raise the young instead of the females in this line.

Kingdra is a regal Pokemon. Their mouths become narrow to allow ink to be used as a projectile. They are found in deep oceans where it is clean and warm from vents. It's said this pokemon is the cause of whirlpools, but this has never been observed.


Goldeen evolve into Seaking. They are both water-type and belong to the Water 2 egg group. They once had an evolution known as Fincess that no longer exists.

Goldeen are about two feet in length and are the prey of Pidgey and in other regions, Pelipper and Wingull. In spite of this, they should not be trifled with, as their graceful appearance hides their hard, vicious head-spike. While some call them the "water queens," they are not all male.

Seaking on the other hand, are considered by some to be ugly. What nonsense. They have larger head-spikes and vicious teeth, so any bird pokemon looking to make them a meal ought to look out. Despite their large teeth, they are herbivorous.

Fincess were a smaller version of Goldeen that were hunted heavily and as such became impractical. The line developed out of this pre-evolution.


Magikarp evolve into Gyrados. They are water type, with Gyrados gaining the flying type. Gyrados has a mega-evolution who gains the dark type.

Magikarp, simply put, are largely pathetic. They are bred to be food for trainers with bird pokemon, they are the prey of bird, sea, and even coastal pokemon on land, and they can often be observed leaping onto land from streams and even into the nets of fishing boats. In spite of this, they are very hardy, they can live in fresh and salt water, they breed in large numbers, and if they live long enough, they grow very powerful.

Gyrados, on the other hand are fearsome. Only very few Magikarp evolve to be Gyrados, fewer still in the wild. It is painfully difficult to train Magikarp to this stage, so if you see a trainer with a Gyrados, look in awe. It is said they are capable of razing cities, but this is a myth, in spite of their aggressive natures.

Mega Gyrados are a unique mega-evolution in that the process affects its brain, causing the Gyrados to single-mindedly pursue enemies until it devolves. They are banned from tournaments due to being to vicious, their rampages resulting in Pokemon's deaths.


Lapras is water-ice type and belongs to the monster and water 1 groups. It has a gigantimax form.

Lapras are a staple of Kanto. Kanto's oceans remain pollution-free due to the Silph Co. breeding these pokemon for sea travel. They're hardy and strong, and in spite being in the monster group, selective breeding has made them docile. They are also capable of understanding and replicating human speech. They were endangered in the wild until the efforts of Silph Co. Its G-max form is used to transport cargo.


Shellder evolves into Cloyster. They're water type and Cloyster gains the ice-type. They're part of the Water 3 egg group.

Shellder are small, only a foot long, their hard shells obscuring their bodies, which are black with white eyes and a long tongue. It swims by clamping and releasing its shell, licking nutrients from coral reefs.

Cloyster's shells gain quite a bit of mass and are hard to pierce or chip. They live on the seabed near Kingdra. Though they aren't preyed upon due to their hard shells, they are eaten by scavengers, leaving their shells littering the seafloor. Their mass can grow to be as large as five feet wide and 300 pounds.


Next, let's stay in Cerulean City and explore the Cerulean Cave. Within is a large cave, hollowed by water from the Cerulean River. There are many species in more sophisticated forms here, such as Arbok, Raichu, Parasect, and Kadabra. Further in, there are some species that thrive in the depths, like Rhydon and Slowbro. Most of these Pokemon have other natural habitats, some quite far away, so it's unknown why they congregate here in such high number. There are several explanations for this, but one has to do with Cerulean Cave's most common population: Ditto.


Ditto are normal-type and belong to the unique Ditto Egg Group.

Ditto's abilities are unique, able to replicate any pokemon or object with its squishy, amorphous body. As such, they're prized by breeders for being able to make eggs with any pokemon that can have eggs. What's more intriguing than their biology, however is their origin. It's thought they were created by the Cinnabar Group in the Pokemon Mansion as a failed experiment, dumped unceremoniously in the Cerulean Cave, which was once inhabited. It's thought so many rare pokemon occupy this cave due to the Ditto who transform permanently and retain the DNA of the pokemon they transform into.

At one time, they possessed a different evolution, known as Ditto2, but this evolution became redundant.

LICKITUNG LINE (Add scrapped evos)

Lickitung evolve into Lickilicky. They're both Normal-Type and belong to the Monster Egg Group. Historically, they had a different evolution in Johto called Lick-King, but they have stopped evolving into this form for some reason.

Lickitung are only four feet tall, but their tongues are nearly double that. To compensate for the weight of their tongues, their tails are very heavy. Its tongue is different to a human's, possessing sensitive taste buds that it uses to identify things. Their saliva is particularly slick.

Lickilicky are common in Sinnoh, their bodies are longer and their tails shrink. If you ask me, it's a hell of a downgrade, they're a tad ugly. Still- Their tongues are even more astronomically long, the record length being 82 feet. It's unknown how they do this.

Lick-King were once an evolution of Lickitung from the Johto region. Along with tongues, they had large caps as well as whiskers. It is likely they ceased evolving into this form due to its redundancy, gaining no new strength or abilities in this form.


North of Cerulean City are Routes 24 and 25, a pass that leads toward the foot of the Silver Mountains and to the sea, where the Cerulean River spills into. It is here where there is another Pokemon Lab is located, the home of the Bill family, a close family friend who studies technology such as the Poke Ball and PC Systems. The usual species reside here, namely Pidgey, Caterpie, with Magikarp and Poliwag residing in the river, as well as some unique species such as Abra and Venonat.


Abra evolve into Kadabra into Alakazam. They are all Psychic type and belong to the Human-Like Egg Group. Alakazam has a Mega-Evolution.

Abra is a small Pokemon that will use the move teleport to cause it to evade danger. It's a stoic Pokemon who doesn't move much, using a trait many Psychic types have, known as Psycho-operation. Instead of muscles, Abra use telekinesis to move their body parts.

Kadabra also use psycho-operation but are capable enough to move normally, also able to move other things nearby with their minds. They stand about four feet tall and are sometimes mistaken for kids.

Alakazam do not evolve in the wild, but only when trained. They stand five feet tall, but rarely use their legs to move. Their psycho-operation is strong enough for them to float. It uses tools to amplify its abilities, sometimes spoons, usually metallic. They are immensely smart. Mega-Alakazam gain a jewel on their heads that many pokemon have that gives them mysterious foresight. 


Venomoth evolve from Venonat. They're both bug-poison type and belong to the bug egg group. Venonat have compound eyes that do not see very well, instead moving by their antennae. They're nocturnal and feed on sleeping bug pokemon at night. They like sources of light and can be seen congregating in lamps.

Venomoth are also nocturnal, but their eyes are more developed. They're slow in the air but have a wingspan of five feet. Its wings are covered in dust from pollen as well as natural powders that can cause problems in humans and pokemon. Trainers who use Venomoth are required to use chemical treatments to keep them from spreading these toxins.


East of Cerulean city is Route 9, a hilly route which another river runs through, the East Kantonian River. Here there are no unique species or ones gone undiscussed.

Along the East Kantonian River, however is the Power Plant. Route 9 connects south towards Lavender Town via the Rock Tunnel.

The Power Plant, long a staple of the region, sadly, is in its twilight years. It is a massive source of pollution in the river, causing problems for the local wildlife. Happily, though, its decommissioning means that it will be soon repurposed into a home for electric pokemon in the area. Muk have also been employed to clean up the refuse. Some of these species slated for preservation will be listed below.


Magnemite evolves into Magneton into Magnezone. They're all Electric-Steel type and belong to the mineral group. They are all genderless Pokemon.

Magnemite are pokemon made of metal, using the electromagnets that they can turn on and off at will. They're common in power plants and congregate in places with unique magnetic fields. They're often found in rings, completing electric circuits.

Magneton evolve when Magnemite congregate and lose their individuality. It's a strange process, but they all stick together and think as one.

Magnezone are Megneton who grow to be larger and more unified. Their bodies fuse together and they gain an antennae that can detect their surroundings. They're very heavy, usually around 400 pounds, but can levitate using magnetism.


Voltorb evolve into Electrode. They're both Electric type and belong to the Mineral Group and are genderless.

Voltorb evolved fairly recently. They are the same organism as Geodude who evolved to reside in the shells of old or broken Poke-balls. As such, instead of rock abilities, they have electric ones. Like their common ancestor Geodude, their line can explode.

Electrode are powerful and something of a nuissance in urban areas, siphoning power from homes. They also explode often, so they are treated as pests.


Elekid evolves into Electabuzz into Eletivire. They're all electric-type and belong to the human-type egg group.

Elekid are common in the service of electric companies. They are used as generators to test functionality as well as feeding on excess electricity in areas. They rotate their arms to generate electricity.

Electabuzz are found in power plants helping employees. During storms, they love being struck by lightning.

Electivire evolve using a device known as the Electirizer. They're common in the Sinnoh region. They're about six feet high and very strong, the wires on their backs connecting to power lines. They're used on crews that repair downed lines and broken, dangerous machinery.


There is also a legend in the area surrounding the Power Plant that says that the legendary bird Zapdos has been spotted in the skies. Zapdos, of course, will be discussed in a later chapter on legendary pokemon.

The nearby Rock Tunnel contains the usual cavernous area species. Geodude. Machop. Zubat. It also is home to Onix, who is theorized to have started the tunnels in ancient times.


Onix evolve into Steelix. Steelix has a mega evolution. Onix is Rock-Ground type and Steelix's forms are Steel-Ground. They all belong to the Mineral Egg Group.

Onix are common underground. They span from small sizes to nearly thirty feet long. They're mineralvores, eating rocks and soil, their excrement fertilizes the ground. Aboveground, they can perch on their tails.

Steelix are about as long, thirty feet, but are much more sturdy. They evolve after forming a metal coat, so they're only seen in some areas. Steelix's massive jaws allow them to plunge through rock and they are used in the mining industry. Mega steelix gain crystaline protrustions and are even stronger.


South on Route 9 past the Rock Tunnel is Lavender Town. Lavender town is home to the Pokemon Tower. In days past, Kanto has had a tradition- When a Pokemon passes away, its trainer brings it to the Pokemon Tower to sleep. The lower floors of the tower see gravestones and mauseleums, where the upper floors house countless urns where the dead pokemon of long past sleep. Pokemon are no longer taken here, but the place has spiritual significance to the region and is a heavily-visited tourist destination. Sadly, there have been plans to convert the Tower into something else over the years.

Within the town and tower are two unique species: Cubone and Ghastly.


Cubone evolve into Marowak. Marowak have an Alolan form that will be discussed later. They're all ground type and belong to the monster group.

It's said that Cubone wear the skulls of their mothers, but this is a myth. In fact, their skulls are actually an exoskeleton. They are very emotional and cry easily, clinging to their mothers. Despite this disposition, they are not baby pokemon and can breed.

Marowak also possess the same exo-skull, using bones and sticks as weapons. It is particularly effective at throwing. They work together to collectively lead their packs.


Ghastly evolve into Haunter into Gengar, who have a mega evolution and gigantimax form. They're all ghost-poison type and belong to the amorphous egg group.

Ghastly are largely made of gas, floating above the ground. Strong winds can cause these pokemon to entirely dissapate.

Haunter solidify, but they're still able to float about, even slipping through walls. They lick foes and their saliva has a paralyzing agent.

Gengar lose the ability to float, but still are amorphous enough to pass through walls and doors. They do not evolve in the wild. They're said to be the shadows of clefable, or their dark counterpart due to their affinity with the moon. Mega Gengar are said to be able to traverse other dimensions, gaining an eye-like gem on their heads. Gigantimax Gengar have voracious appetites and massive mouths. They're banned due to eating their foes.


South from Lavender town leads towards South Kanto, so for now, let us head west towards Saffron City.

Saffron City is the jewel of the Kanto Region. It is the home to countless houses, the Marsh Badge Gym, a fighting Dojo, and it is the home to the Silph Co. We have mentioned them previously in chapters, they are responsible for the vast majority of the scientific advancements in the region and the world over, as well as efforts in conjunction with the Pokemon League to spearhead conservation efforts in Kanto. Sadly, though, their HQ contains no natural Pokemon species, so we must move North to Route 5.

Route 5 is the final area in North Kanto, and has many species we've so far discussed- Say it with me now. Pidgey, Rattata, Bellsprout, et cetera. Meowth also make their homes here.


Meowth evolve into Persian. They have a Galarian form and different Galarian evolution to be discussed later, same with their Alolan Versions. Meowth has a Gigantimax Form. They're all normal-type and belong to the Field group. In the past, Meowth had a pre-evolution named Meowsy.

Meowth stand on two legs. They're very intelligent and even can replicate human speech, though this is rare. All of them love riches and collect coins, sometimes stealing them. The gem on their heads are part of their bodies. Their Gigantimax form is known as "Longcat."

Persian are quadrepedal, possessing a gem in their heads, the same gem as Mega Alakazam and Golduck that unlocks mysterious precognative abilities. Despite its elegance, it is petty and somewhat cruel. It feeds on pidgey and ekans, an apex predator.

Meowsy were a baby pokemon that ceased being born long ago. These pre-evolutions belied some more mystical abilities, as they had gems that levitated around their heads. They were heavy sleepers and it's unknown why they stopped appearing.


Those are the areas in North Kanto. With time to spare, let's explore South Kanto.

South of Lavender Town is an intricate boardwalk known as the Silence Bridge. It leads towards both Vermillion city to the west and Fuchsia to the south on the coastal route. The Silence bridge is known as such due to the amount of Fishing that is done there and nearby- A humble mandate for the passersby to be quiet to not startle the fish. In the sea there are some usual pokemon, like Magikarp and Horsea, as well as Slowpoke and Snorlax.


Slowpoke evolve into either Slowbro or Slowking. There are regional variants that will be discussed later. They are all Water-Psychic type and belong to the Monster and Water 1 groups. Slowbro has a mega-evolution.

Slowpoke are odd Pokemon. They have a very short memory span, driven by their own instincts alone. Though we humans are herbivorous, Slowpoke's tails are sold as a delicacy. It's said if eaten they can give you sexual powers. From experience, I can tell you, this is incorrect.

Slowbro are Slowpoke who have formed a symbiosis with Shellder. These shellder evolve WITH the Slowpoke into a different form. The new Shellder feed on Slowbro's... Excrement. In mega form, the Shellder grows to envelop Slowbro like a suit.

Slowking, on the other hand, evolve when shellder connect to its mind. The shellder is subsumed and Slowking's mental powers grow. They also grow a neck frill. Slowking are intelligent enough to speak with humans. Though wise, they lack intelligence.


Route 11 leads towards Vermillion City and Pewter City by way of Diglett's Cave. In it reside some common species as well as the rarer Drowzee line.


Drowzee evolve into Hypno. They're all psychic type and belong to the Human-Like egg group.

Drowzee are common near urban areas, using their proboscis to eat fruits. They have an affinity for dreams and when one sleeps near one, they do not dream at all.

Hypno are commonly found fraternizing with Alakazam in the wild. Instead of psychic ability, they use tools to put people and Pokemon to sleep.


We discussed said cave in brief, but let's dive in in earnest. The cave is the natural habitat of the pokemon Diglett and its intertwining tunnels naturally connect Route 11 to Vermillion City. It's a handy tunnel through the hilly areas, and Diglett don't seem to mind its use by humans.


Diglett evolve into Dugtrio. They both have an Alolan Form, but their Kantonian forms are ground type and belong to the Field egg group.

Diglett remain underground and have poor eyesight. They feed on tree roots and dislike sunlight, as they are very sensitive to heat and UV rays. They are often used on farms to till soil and fertilize it, but must be kept away from growing plants. Their underside is rarely seen, but they have stubby clawed paws.

Dugtrio are curious. Specifically, Dugtrio refers to a single member of a dugtrio group, but dugtrio always travel in threes. Dugtrio are longer and heavier than Diglett, but they are three distinct entities who act as one. They can travel very far underground, the longest recorded distance being sixty miles.


Vermillion City, located on the coast of the Vermilion Bay, is a port city that does trade with Kanto as well as other regions. It's home to the Thunder Badge and the Vermillion Port. The harbor has long been a staple of the area.

South of the Silence Bridge are Routes 13, 14, and 15, which run along the coast of the Vermillion Bay into the Fuchsia Penninsula, also known as the Fuchsia Coast Highway.

It is a lovely place for grass and water types, as the locale gets a lot of sun. It's home to the usuals- Pidgey, Oddish, Bellsprout, and uniquely, Farfetch'd.


Farfetch'd do not evolve except in Galar. Historically, it had an evolution known as Outlan'dish. They are normal-flying and belong to the Flying and Field Egg Groups.

Farfetch'd use leeks and green onions to fight. They're not endangered, but they are in decline. They're fierce, but their environments have been encroached by Arbok such that their evolution Outlan'dish does not appear.

Outlan'dish developed mask-like facial markings and larger wings.


Fuchsia City is a city many tourists flood to, due to its closeness to the coast and the Safari Zone. It's also home to the Soul Badge of the Pokemon League.

The Safari zone, a nature preserve to the north, is where many species reside. Once endangered, these species are given a new place to roam. There are a great many species who live here, including some unique ones, such as Chansey, Rhyhorn, Tangela, Scyther, Pinsir, and Dratini. A full list of the unique species are below.

TANGELA LINE [EDIT] (add scrapped evos as extinct)

Tangela evolves into Tangrowth. They're both Grass type and belong to the Grass egg group. In the past, they had a different evolution line in Johto, a baby named Tangey and Creepela.

Tangela are round pokemon, black with large eyes like shellder, but they are surrounded by tentacles that are made of plant matter. They are rare but this is normal for their species. They blend easily into their surroundings and aren't succeptible to predators, as any vines that are eaten quickly grow back.

Tangrowth are even more massive, gaining the prehensile use of thier vines to grip and grab things. They're friendly and docile, if somewhat slow and less intelligent. They like jungle areas with heavy rainfall.

In the past, Tangela evolved from Tangey, smaller sized Tangela with one eye and fewer vines and into Creepela, a form that possessed a grinning mouth. It's likely Tangela stopped evolving into this form due to redundance- Much like Lick-King, Creepela were not particularly more effective than Tangela.


Exeggcute evolve into Exeggutor. They're both grass psychic type and belong to the Grass Egg Group. Exeggutor's alolan form will be discussed in that chapter.

Exeggcute resemble eggs or seeds. All of them grow in groups- If you catch one you'll likely catch the whole pack. This is due to their psychic link.

Exeggcutor grow from Exeggcute who burrow into the ground and grow like plants. They are massive trees with faces on fruits. They like tropical areas, and while their heads are mistaken for fruits and coconuts, they can easily defend themselves. Its three heads are still discreet entities who are all psychically linked.


Tauros is normal type and belongs to the Field egg group. This pokemon is the male form of Miltank, who will be discussed in Johto's chapter.

Tauros are found running accross plains, their three-tails are used as whiplike defenses. It's heavy and strong, bashing headfirst into foes. 


Pinsir are bug type and belong to the Bug group. They have a mega evolution and historically evolved into the extinct pokemon Crushir.

Pinsir has massive claws on its head that are strong and hard. They hang from trees and use these pincers to crush the shells of coconuts. Mega pinsir gain wings and the flying type. In both forms, it spears prey like Pidgey before opening their claws to obliterate them.

In the past, Crushir was an evolution of Pinsir, but it stopped evolving into Crushir due to Crushir lacking eyes.


Scyther evolves into Scizor. Scyther is bug-flying and Scizor is bug-steel. They both belong to the Bug egg group. Scizor has a mega evolution.

Scyther are vicious and fearsome, a standout in the bug type. They have wings, but they can't fly far with these, only hovering. Their arms end in scythe-like appendages that they use to drive off foes. Despite their fearsome appearance, they are herbivorous and their scythes are for defense only.

Scizor gives up its scythes for heavy claws that can cleanly cut anything. Their carapaces grow into mineral coatings. They are agile and skillful. Mega Scizor's claws grow into fearsome sawtooth pinchers.


Rhyhorn evolves into Rhydon into Rhyperior. They're all Ground-Rock type and are in the monster and field egg groups.

Rhyhorn are vicious and travel in packs. They've driven Charmander's line nearly to excinction in mountainous regions. They represent the lion's share of the Silver mountains' species. As such, the Silver Mountains are considered intraversable by land.

Rhydon are the bosses of Rhyhorn packs and their horns grow into drills. They also develop to be bipedal.

Rhyperior don't evolve in the wild and are much more docile than their counterparts. They use a device called a protector which is padded armor developed in Sinnoh. In their palms there are large holes which rocks can be shot from. They're used in the excavation industry alongside Steelix.


Happiny evolves into Chansey into Blissey. They're all Normal type and belong to the Fairy egg group. They're all female.

Happiny is a baby pokemon. It has a pouch where it keeps round stones and Pokemon eggs. It is used in the breeding industry as incubation. 

Chansey also has a pouch for eggs. They're often seen in Pokemon centers assisting the nurses. They are helpful and kind.

Blissey are larger forms of Chansey who grow tufts of fluffy hair. They serve the same function as Chansey, but they are impressively massive and are deceptively strong, being tough to knock over and defeat in battle. In the past, before domestication, they had a more distinct appearance with a heart-shaped protrusion on the head.


Kangaskhan are normal-type and belong to the monster egg group. They have a mega evolution. They're all female.

They are a somewhat unique Pokemon in that they are actually TWO Pokemon. Kangashkan and Kangaskid- One might imagine that the Kangaskid in its pouch is its young or a pre-evolution, but they are born with these pokemon in their pouches. If you capture one or the other, they are both caught. Kangaskid and Kangaskhan have a psychic link and if they stray from one another they perish.

In its mega form, Kangaskid grows larger and actively fights with its counterpart.


Doduo evolve into Dotrio. They're both flying-normal type and belong to the Flying egg group, even though their line can't fly. They used to evolve from the baby pokemon Chicktrio.

Doduo have long legs allowing it to run across large distances. They migrate from north to south Kanto depending on the time of year. They have two heads that think independently but work together.

Dotrio are similar but they have three heads- The third middle head being the "leader" in a sense. They're cooperative but are seen arguing on occassion.

In the past they evolved from Chicktrio instead of Doduo, but Chicktrio were much less adept than Doduo so they stopped existing.


Dragonite evolve from Dragonair from Dratini. They're all dragon-type and belong to the dragon and water 1 egg groups.

Dratini are snakelike creatures with cute round eyes who adore people. They grow to be about six feet long.

Dragonair are even more elegant, with its head-fins growing intricate fur patterns, as well as developing gems on its body and tail. They are regal and prized through the region.

Dragonite are huge winged creatures, developing arms and legs and a yellow coloration. They are serene and majestic and difficult to train. Their head whiskers indicate how long-lived they are, and they usually outgrow their trainers, passed down through generations. They are a spiritual symbol in Kanto.


Finally, with time to spare, let's discuss the Kantonian Sea. The Kantonian Sea contains several locations, as well as a few water routes. Heading south from Fuchsia city we arrive at Route 19, which connects to Route 20. This route contains the Seafoam islands, a large undersea cave system accessible east of Cinnabar Island. On the water there are some unique species such as Staryu, and in the caves there are others, like Seel. It's said Articuno lies deep in these islands, too.


Starmie evolve from Staryu. They're both water type, Starmie gains the Psychic type. They belong to the water 3 egg group.

Staryu lie on the seafloor and don't have a food source. Instead, their gem absorbs light and heat. They're largely inert but decent partners.

Starmie are much the same, but they gain another five limbs.


Seel evolve into Dewgong. They're both water type, Dewgong obtaining the ice type. They belong to the Water 1 and Field egg groups. 

Seel live in cavernous areas in the ocean. It is resistant to cold and heat, using its horn to headbutt foes. They love fish pokemon.

Dewgong are larger and longer and are better swimmers. They can shoot ice from their horns.


To the West is Cinnabar island. Cinnabar is home to the Pokemon Mansion, a Pokemon Research Lab. Sadly, this lab is unaffiliated with the Pokemon League, instead, devoted to genetic research rather than preservation efforts or study. The island itself is a volcano, from which geothermal power is drawn. The Volcano is inert, but continued efforts in the Pokemon Mansion have led this to be tenuous. It is also the location of the Volcano Badge of the Pokemon League.

North past Cinnabar is Route 21, which connects to Pallet Town, aptly, where we began.

To the south of Cinnabar and Seafoam are the final stop on the Kanto tour. The Sevii Islands, an archipelligo of nine islands are home to many Kantonian Species as well as a few settlements. Due to its proximity to Johto, it also contains some species there which we will discuss in the next chapter.

One Island is home to yet another Volcano, Mt. Ember. The path to this volcano is known as "Kindle Road." Here, Fire Types thrive, such as Vulpix and Magmar. Moltres is said to live inside the Volcano itself.


Magby evolve into Magmar into Magmortar. They are all fire type and belong to the human-like egg group.

Magby are small and cute, often found in hot areas. Though adorable, they are not recommended to keep as pets as they are dangerous and evolve into the more volatile Magmar.

Magmar are taller and have flame-tails like Charizard. They love volcanoes and the deep underground. Interestingly, they are called "boober" in other regions.

Magmortar don't evolve in the wild, only after exposure to the Magmarizer, an invention from Sinnoh. They have holes in their hands that shoot fireballs. They are used alongside Electivire in factories and power machinery that operate on heat, like steam-powered tools.


Vulpix evolve into Ninetails. They're fire type and belong to the Field egg group. They have an Alolan form which will be discussed later.

Vulpix are good pets, their cuddles are warm. They are born with one tail and grow more over time.

Once Vulpix grow their ninth tail, they evolve into Ninetails. Not the most... Creative name, but I did not choose it. They are haughty and prideful, do not touch their tails without permission. Lucky trainers sometimes get to lay their heads on their downy tails. It's said they can curse people, but this, as all curses are, is a myth.


Arcanine evolve from Growlithe. They're fire type and belong to the Field egg group.

Growlithe are loyal partners and common pets. They are fire-type but seldom shoot fire unless instructed, making them less volatile than some other of the same type. In the wild, they like eating bird pokemon and even larger prey. 

Arcanine are large with fluffy manes. They're obedient even more than other pokemon, fierce and loyal. They're often used in law enforcement, but many have questioned the ethics and effectiveness of this. Arcanine are an emblem of Kanto's police force.


Two island is home to Cape Brink, and Three island to the East is home to the Berry forest. No undiscussed Pokemon live here.

Four Island is home to the Icefall Cave. Inside are Pokemon Adapted to the cold like Seel and Slowpoke, as well as Jynx. Relocation efforts are underway to relocate Jynx, as the climate in Icefall is warming too much for them.


Smoochum evolve into Jynx, both are Ice-Psychic type as well as belonging to the Human-like egg group. They're all female.

Smoochum is cute and small and loves giving kisses. Its kisses are chilly but very pleasant. They kiss one another to communicate. They love cold areas and are used in hot regions as air conditioners.

Jynx are larger and their hair grows more. Their fur is purple and red and it flows into a dress-shape. People seem split whether they think Jynx is cute or strange. As for me? I think Jynx is quite lovely. My son Oak says she has DSLs, which I am sure stands for distinctly shaped lips.


Five island is home to the crime syndicate Team Rocket. Unfortunately, this means exploration of the Lost cave is impossible. Six island is home to the Altering Cave, which will be further discussed in the Hoenn chapters, the Dotted Hole, a mysterious ruin, and Ruin Valley, a large craggy area with Spearow, Psyduck, Natu, and Wooper.

Seven island is home to several more ruins, and while they are interesting, they feature no undiscussed pokemon.

The final two islands, Navel Rock and Birth Island, which are small islands that are said to be home to legendary pokemon.

Finally, I'd like to discuss a few Pokemon that have no natural habitat that call Kanto home. 


Koffing evolve into Weezing, who have a Galarian form, discussed later. They're both poison type and belong to the Amorphous group.

Koffing are repulsive floating coagulations of solid waste who expel gasses. They're similar to Grimer in that they're horrid but not malevolent.

Weezing are clumps of several Koffing who combine. They're used in waste disposal.


The so-called "hitmon" line comes from a pokemon called Tyrogue. It has three options for evolution- Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, and Hitmontop. They belong to the human-like egg group. They're all male.

Tyrogue is a small pokemon, roughly the build of Machop with different head frills. They're very strong, being fighting-type, but are more disciplined than Machop.

Hitmonchan are strong boxers with large red fists. They're more defensive and stalwart and are capable of many types of elemental punch attacks.

Hitmonlee, sometimes called the "kicking fiend" is capable of stretching its legs like springs to attack. It's the favorite of the three hitmons.

Hitmontop is the strangest of the three, preferring to stand on its head and spin like a top. It uses its arms AND legs to fight like this, as well as its tail. It's difficult to fight for this reason.


...Mr. Mime evolves from, er. Mime Jr. It has a Galarian Version and a Galarian evolution. Uh. Discussed later on. Aherm. They're psychic-fairy and belong to the human-like egg group.

Mime Jr. is a cute tyke with a button nose that loves to entertain with theatrics.

Mr. Mime is. Ugh. Okay, hold on.


This isn't a Pokemon. This is a man. This is a fellow. Mr. Mime is a person. Absolutely, they can't speak, but he can UNDERSTAND words. He CLEARLY has high-functioning cognition at our level. We do not cast the mute out of society into pokeballs, so why do we for Mr. Mime? I tell you! He's a FELLOW. A MAN. I've seen them DRIVE! Bloody hell. Let Mr. Mime vote! Mime rights.

Er... My apologies.


And with that- That is Kanto. The species that naturally occupy its borders. The pokemon listed here are not exclusive to Kanto, of course, but they are indeed its native population.

The next chapter of this tome will be, of course, devoted to Kanto's Neighbor to the west: Johto.


It is with a heavy heart that my musings on my home come to and end. I've studied this place for what feels like an eternity, and passing the torch to my son has been both the hardest thing in my life and the most profoundly happy. Oak, if you ever bother to crack open dad's old books, then just know this, what I'm too cowardly to say to your face, brave enough only to utter in the written word: You mean the world to me. Kanto is our home, and I am so proud to have brought you into it.


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