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When compiling a Bestiary, one must consider first and foremost, the locales that Pokemon appear in. Before going into depth about any specific creature, we must break them down by location. Broadly, the world has been split into regions, all of whom have sovreignty between one another, as well as established borders. More specifically, these regions have been split into informal areas, called anything from "zones" to "provinces."

In Chapter 3, we will begin with the Kanto Region. Kanto has no formal provinces, but ecologists and cartographers break up the area into four quadrants of varying size, listed on this map.

Going clockwise from the right: West Kanto, the largest area, North Kanto, the most populous, South Kanto, bordering the sea to the south and east, and of course, the Kantonian sea to the south.

In each section, I will introduce a new area and its species, and if there is a species we have as yet not discussed, I will give its line a detailed explanation.

First, we will discuss the ecosystem of West Kanto. We shall begin, aptly enough, with the town that is home to my own Laboratory: Pallet Town.


Pallet town is a small town, nestled in the south of the landmass that comprises Kanto and Johto, ideal for field research. No Pokemon exist in town, but Route 1, which is managed by my own lab, is home to several very common Kantonian Species, namely the Pidgey and Rattata lines.


The Pidgeot Line begins with Pidgey, then Pidgeotto, then Pidgeot. All three cohabitate and have similar diets and behaviors. They are all normal-flying type and belong to the flying egg group.

Pidgey is small, a meter long with the same wingspan. It eats bug types, a favorite being Caterpie. It's a common pokemon, both with trainers and in the wild, unwary and easy to train. The whole line has excellent direction and can fly tirelessly.

Pidgeotto are more territorial and gain a crest. They are less docile.

Pidgeot is more aerodynamic and has a longer crest. They are regal and confident and fiercely loyal to trainer and nest alike. They are responsible for getting food for young Pidgey. They are a meter and a half tall with a massive wingspan of five meters. It can hunt larger prey like Magikarp and can fly at Mach 2. Its wings are immensely strong.

Mega Pidgeot gains colored plumage and even more speed.


Rattatta evolves into Raticate, both of which possess an alternative form native to the Alola region. All varieties belong to the Field Egg Group. Kantonian Rattata and Raticate are normal type- They have a slightly different counterpart in Alola, which we will discuss later on.

Kantonian Rattata are herbivorious, foraging for nuts and berries. At a meter long, they are sometimes prey to Ekans and Pidgeot and more rarely Golbat. As such, Raticate are less common, but Rattata are very common in grassy areas and forests. They live in groups, often underground or in caves. Their teeth are very sharp.

Kantonian Raticate are aggressive and are seldom preyed on due to their dangerous fangs. It gnaws habitually and can chew through even stone and concrete. It must do this otherwise its teeth grow too quickly. Trainers often use incredibly stiff chew toys for their raticate.


Viridian City is home to the Earth Badge's Gym, one of the eight Kantonian Pokemon League certified gyms. To the north is Route 2 and Viridian Forest, and to the West are Routes 22, 26, 27, and 28. West on Route 22 and 28 is Mt. Silver, north on Route 22 and Victory Road is the Indigo Plateu, the Pokemon League HQ in the region. South on Route 22, then 26 and 27 is the Johtonian border.

This area is very diverse, so we shall cover each area in sequence.


Route 2 and Viridian Forest connect Viridian City to Pewter City. There is also an exit to Diglett's cave here. Pidgey and Ratatta reside here, as well as Nidoran. In the woods proper, there are the Weedle and Caterpie lines as well as Pikachu. Oddish and Bellsprout comprise the plant life, and at one time, Bulbasaur lived here.


The Butterfree line begins with Caterpie, continues to Metapod, and ends with Butterfree. This line lives in thick woods and forests. Caterpie are very common, but are preyed on by birds like Pidgey, so Butterfree are rare. They are all Bug type, Butterfree acquiring the Flying type. They are part of the Bug Egg Group.

Caterpie is small, only about a foot in height, and escapes from danger using its silk. It climbs trees using its sticky feet and drives foes away with a terrible smell from its antennae.

Metapod is a cocoon spun by Caterpie. It remains inert until it evolves, making it easy prey for birds who can peck through the hard thread.

Butterfree, in evolving, stops being a target of bird pokemon due to its toxicity. It can also release poison dust from its wings. It aids in pollination and is about one meter tall, nearly three meters in wingspan.


The Beedrill line begins with Weedle, then Kakuna, then Beedrill. Bedrill has a mega evolution. They're all bug-poison type and belong to the Bug Egg Group. It lives in the same environment as the Caterpie line.

Weedle is similar to Caterpie, a foot long worm, but Weedle has poor eyesight and a spike on its head and tail. It is preyed on by birds, but are toxic to eat, leading to indigestion and death to its would-be predators. Its stinger is also venomous, deterring predation. Unlike the weedle line, which prefers sweet things, Weedle likes leaves.

Kakuna is Weedle's cocoon, and is softer than Metapod. Though it loses its toxicity and is less hard and is preyed on more.

Beedrill is about a meter high, a meter and a half in Mega form. It has poison stingers on its forearms and rear end. Mega Beedrill gains a second set of forearm spikes and a larger rear stinger. Beedrill often swarm together and the swarms are very territorial. They become issues in modern areas and require exterminators.


Pikachu evolves into Raichu. Pikachu has a gigantimax form and Raichu has an alolan variant, which will be discussed later. They're electric type and they all belong to the Field and Fairy egg groups. Pikachu also has a baby form in Pichu.

Pichu is notorious for being clumsy with its electricity. It's not old enough to control its power, yet so it hurts itself and others.

Pikachu is beloved the world over. This is in spite of its dangerous penchant for electrocuting new trainers and moody disposition. It's common and a decent starter pokemon for the ambitious. It is not often preyed upon because it is not commonly found in the wild. Like Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle, Pikachu is rare in the wild due to conservation efforts.

Gigantimax Pikachu is much the same, but gains a staggeringly powerful tail and the customary immense height.

Kantonian Raichu have gained more control of their electricity and use their long tails as a ground. It is said that this pokemon can discharge a hundred thousand volts. Raichu are rare, as their evolution is based on a synthetic Thunderstone.


The Nidoran line has a branching evolution, depending on the gender of the Nidoran. Adolescent Nidoran and the Nidoking line are in the monster and egg groups and Nidoqueen line is in the no eggs group. They're all poison, the latter evolutions gaining the ground type.

Male Nidoran evolve into Nidorino then Nidoking. Female Nidoran evolve into Nidorina and Nidoqueen.

Nidoran vary from gender, but they all have long teeth like rattata as well as whiskers and long ears. Males are darker in color and neither are heavily preyed on due to their poisonous nature. They have barbs in their horns that are toxic for defense.

Nidorina lose their horns in favor of thicker hides and stronger muscles. They're more aggressive than males despite being less imposing, but only become aggressive in defense of nests.

Nidoqueen are bold matriarchs. Very friendly, but don't approach their nest. They treat their trainers like their own children. It is highly armored more than its male counterpart.

Nidorino are the first male evolution. Unlike Nidorina they are quadrepedal and exist to gather food. Despite their imposing stature they are herbivores. It retains its horn and venom.

Nidoking stand a meter and a half tall, boast huge horns and strong tails and claws. Less defensive than Nidoqueen, they are similarly paternal. Trainers with Nidoking seek strong opponents to sate Nidoking's temprament.


Oddish evolves into Gloom, into Vileplume or Bellossom. They are all poison-grass type and in the grass egg group.

Oddish is very small at a half a meter, and spends a lot of time burrowed underground. It's common prey for many pokemon when it comes up to eat and the scent it exudes makes it easy to find.

Gloom are fascinating, as they have a unique smell that attracts some pokemon and people, but repels most. Gloom turns from prey to predator, luring in smaller pokemon who feast on plants before devouring them.

Vileplume are even more noxiously smelling. Trainers will have their scent glands removes to avoid the unbearable stench. In the wild, it has both a scent gland and a poison gland, which they use in tandem to disable and poison prey. It only stands a meter tall, but in the wild with no pruning, its petals can become nearly double its height.

Belossom evolve from Gloom if they are exposed to the rare Sun Stone or simply a high amount of sun. They're more common in Johto due to the sunnier areas there. They are more sweet-smelling and have a better disposition than Gloom and Vileplume, but they are still toxic to eat. Their spores cause sleep in those who spend too much time around them.


The Victreebel line begins with Bellsprout, then Weepinbell, and finally, Victreebel. They are all Grass-Poison type and belong to the Grass egg group.

Bellsprout is one of the rare Pokemon possessing roots. They are capable of using these roots to walk, but prefer to wait stationary for bug pokemon to wander into their sweet-smelling mouths.

Weepinbell, unlike their terrestrial pre-evolution, hang from trees. They have a similar manner of consuming. While they are just 1 meter tall, they can consume even large prey like butterfree, but due to being stationary, more so than Bellsprout, they are eaten by Pokemon and even Humans who mistake them for fruit.

Victreebel have no such problems. They are much larger, at 1.7 meters, and their mouths could fit a human inside. Happily, they do not prefer humans to eat and spit out preys they don't prefer- Still, their stomach acid isn't pleasant to feel. The acid is used in some industrial zones to dispose of waste. It's safe to harvest with the correct equippment. Be careful, though, as Victreebel can eat anything that is small enough to fit in its mouth, so large congregations in urban areas are considered pests.


To the East, there lies the craggy Silver Mountain Range which serves as the border between Kanto and Johto, as well as the Pokemon League HQ, which Kanto and Johto share. Kanto's Gym Challenge, known as the Indigo Conference, and Johto's Gym Challenge, known as the Silver Conference, are both elligible to compete in the Indigo League Champion bout. In the past, champions have hailed from both regions.

The unsettled areas, including Routes 22, 28, and 26, are home to the usual Kantonian suspects. Rattata, Spearow, Nidoran, Mankey. In water routes, there live Magikarp, Goldeen, and Poliwag- All saltwater creatures living in the Route 26 inlet. In the more mountainous areas, there are also Ekans, Sandshrew, Ponyta and Tentacool. There are some Johtonian species such as Noctowl and Quagsire, which will be discussed in Johto's chapters.

Victory Road, which is a large mazelike cave system, holds common cave pokemon like Zubat, Machop, Geodude, Onix, and Cubone, as well as Marowak. It is also said to be the occasional home of Moltres, which will be discussed in the section regarding Kanto's legendary pokemon.

Route 28 and Mt. Silver are on the border, containing Ponyta, Tangela, Ekans, and Zubat, as well as Johtonian species such as Ursaring, Donphan, and Sneasel.

Mt. Silver is home to some craggy customers, Zubat, Psyduck, Geodude, and Magmar, as well as the Johtonian Ursaring, Donphan, and Larvitar.

This area is also home to Tohjo falls, discussed in Johto's chapters.


Spearow evolves into Fearow. They're both normal-flying type and belong to the flying egg group.

Spearow are scavengers and predators alike. Though it cannot yet fly well, it can run and climb. It prefers Kakuna and Metapod, able to break their shells with its hard beak.

Fearow are massive, not as fast as Pidgeot, but far more deadly. They're more than a meter tall and have even wider wingspans than Pidgeot, more than five meters, as well as downy fur to increase maneuverability. Their long beaks skewer even large prey like Raticate and huge talons and powerful wings allow them to grab even large pokemon. It can fly very high and has the stamina to fly for days at a time. Trainers with Fearow need to keep them well-fed.


Mankey evolves into Primape. They are both pure fighting-type and belong to the field egg group.

Mankey are small, only about a foot tall, but their arms and legs have a wide reach. They are pack creatures, living in trees. They're prone to anger, at each other and at trainers.

Primape are less prone to anger, only in that they seem to always be furious at something. They are tireless and Primape in the wild sometimes exhaust themselves finding food. It's not recommended to run from them and instead play dead.


Arbok's line begins with Ekans, then Arbok. They are both Poison type and belong to the Field and Dragon types.

Ekans is a lover of eggs, consuming eggs as its main diet. They grow to be nearly two meters long and can swallow small critters whole, able to dissolve them quickly with the same acid that populates their stomachs. In spite of this, they are often preyed upon by large birds, namely Fearow and Pidgeott.

Arbok, on the other hand, is an apex predator. They are gigantic and fearsome, growing three and a half meters in length, usually positioned upright at about five feet tall, their frills on display. They have no predators and consume even formidable birds who may have once given it trouble. They are also not discerning, consuming any Pokemon small enough that it comes across, with some exceptions. Its body can constrict with deadly force and its frill can hypnotize prey. While they don't usually feed on humans, it's not unheard of, and a trainer can have its pokemon eaten by this foe. Be wary.


Sandslash evolve from Sandshrew. They are both ground-type and part of the Field Egg Group. They also have an Alolan form, discussed later in this tome.

Despite their small size, Sandshrew are very hardy and tough. They hide at the openings of their burrows, blending into the sand. When prey wanders by, they strike. Due to their camoflauge, they are hard for trainers to spot. Even so, they are good companions, since they do not require much sustenance or water. They also curl into balls for easy storage.

Sandslash are larger, standing a meter tall. Their spines make the balls they roll into dangerous to enemies. They are also good at climbing trees and cacti. They hunt like their pre-evolution, but both pokemon are omnivorous, able to consume even tough cacti and desert plants.


Ponyta evolve into Rapidash. They are both Fire-type and belong to the Field egg group. They each have a galarian form that will be discussed later.

Ponyta are rare among fire-types in that they are found outside of hot, remote areas. They are expert runners, and groups can be seen in flat plains. They avoid forests, which is for the best, as the fire that they exude would not be good for the environment. Their hooves are incredibly hard, as well.

Rapidash are mature Ponyta. They are sometimes used as mounts, but require fireproof pants and saddles. They're found on Cycling Road in Kanto, racing against trainers there. The faster they go, the harder they blaze.


Zubat evolves into Golbat, then Crobat. They are all poison flying type and belong to the flying group. This line is rare in the flying egg group as it doesn't have feathers or fur.

Zubat is slightly less than a meter and is a pest to anyone traveling through caves or tunnel routes. Infestations must be quickly dealt with, otherwise they will overtake populations.

Golbat are rarer, as they have a nasty habit of consuming Zubat when other food is scarce. Their massive mouths are largely for show, as they actually consume the blood of their prey. When they get too glutted with blood, they become unable to fly and are fed on by other Golbat or predators. They're not common with trainers but are a favorite of the crime syndicate Team Rocket.

Crobat are two meters long and significantly more docile than Golbat. None exist in the wild, as they only are able to evolve in captivity. It can fly incredibly swiftly and nearly silently. Its feet shrink in size and it gains a set of secondary wings. Since it cannot support its own weight standing, it's able to sleep hanging from trees.


Machop evolves into Machoke into Machamp. They are part of the human-like egg group and are all pure fighting-type. Machamp has a Gigantimax form.

Machop are small, sometimes mistaken for children. Even so, they're massively powerful. They exercise tirelessly, as well, lifting large rocks for fun. They sometimes lift Geodude and Graveler by mistake, much to the chagrin of said Geodude and Graveler.

Machoke are larger, standing about the size of a small adult, five feet or so. They cooperate with humans and are used as labor in moving companies and factories. This work suits them, as menial tasks are invigorating to them. Even so, in Kanto and Hoenn, labor unions have fought for their rights to avoid exploitation.

Machamp are about as tall as Machoke, but they gain a secondary pair of arms. They evolve very rarely, and only after some large emotional event. The specific mechanics are unknown. Still, they are excellent fighters, and are seen being trained for the Pokemon League rather than in industry. Gigantimax Machamp are huge and their power is so great their muscles glow under their skin.


Golem evolve from Graveler, from Geodude. This line is Rock-Ground Types and belong to the Mineral Egg Group. They each have alolan forms, discussed at a later date. 

Like many pokemon part of the mineral group, Geodude's "body" is mostly inorganic. Its actual biomass is contained inside the rocks it occupies and can repair dents and scratches by appropriating rock mass. Their actual biological mass looks like reuniclus, a pair of arm muscles and nerves, eyes, and a mouth. While inert, they resemble rocks.

Graveler gain a secondary pair of arms as well as more boulder-like appearance. Their biomass doesn't increase much, but their inorganic mass does. They enjoy a round shape and can roll around. They're a danger to mountain trails to hikers.

Golem do not exist in the wild. Unlike their pre-evolutions, they have biomass that extends from its rocky insides. Its hide is still very thick and it can withdraw its limbs to roll about. Due to a long life of adding rocks to its mass, it is unspeakably hard, able to withstand dynamite blasts. It is also capable of expelling explosive force in self-descructs. It uses this ability to move from place to place in craggy areas.


Pewter City is home to the Boulder Badge of the Indigo Gym challenge. It's also home to the Pewter Museum of Science, which has long studied the fossil record of the region. In a later chapter, I will discuss many extinct Pokemon and efforts to revive them.

To the East lie Route 3, Mount Moon, and Route 4, which lead into Cerulean city in North Kanto. This area is craggy, as the Silver Mountain range comes around to envelop this area. The Silver Range extends around Pewter City and the Indigo Plateau to form the Indigo Valley.

In this area, broadly called Mt. Moon, there are several rarer Kantonian Species. There are of course the ususal suspects- Pidgey, Ratatta, Spearow, Sandshrew, Mankey, Nidoran, Ekans, and Zubat, but also Fairies like Jigglypuff and Clefable, inside Mt. Moon proper. Inside the caves of Mt. Moon there are Paras, Geodude, and Onix. Moonstones can be found here.


Igglybuff, the baby, evolves into Jigglypuff, then to Wigglytuff. All three are normal-fairy type and belong to the Fairy Egg Group.

Igglybuff, the baby pokemon, is quite small, just about 30 cm or one foot tall. They are often found in groups bouncing about and are easy to tame. They enjoy singing and bouncing and despite their docile natures, normally predatory pokemon do not bother them.

Jigglypuff is a common sight in Kanto and abroad, beloved for its singing voice. There exist services in Kanto to rent Jigglypuff out to new parents to help their babies sleep. In the wild, this singing ability is not used for predation, but they are known to put prey animals to sleep, causing their untimely deaths. It's unknown if this is intentional on Jigglypuff's part.

Wigglytuff are massive and have huge lung capacities, allowing them to inflate and use incredible pneumatic force to their advantage. They are less easygoing than their pre-evolutions. It also makes this pokemon difficult to hurt with blunt force, as its rubbery skin absorbs hits. Despite their large eyes, they are safe from dust due to a thin layer of tears.


Clefairy evolves into Clefable. There is also the Baby pokemon Cleffa that will be discussed in the next chapter. Oddly, this line is disproportionately female. They are fairy type and in the fairy egg group. Cleffa is their baby form.

Cleffa are small and shy, rarely seen in the wild.

Clefairy is rare, seldom appearing to humans. There has long been a folktale that Clefairy are from the moon, and while they do have an affinity for moonlight and the night time, this is unlikely. They're most commonly seen in a full moon.

Clefable do not exist in the wild. They evolve only when exposed to a moon stone. Like Clefairy, it is very wary, but it is protective of their trainers. It's said that those who evolve their Clefairy will have a happy marriage. They're sensitive to noise and it is considered cruel to keep one in an urban area.


Paras evolves into Parasect. They're both bug-grass type and are in the bug and grass egg groups.

Paras is a fascinating creature. They are all infected by mushrooms called tochukaso which are so involved in its life cycle that no Paras exist in the wild without this infection. Curiously, Paras bred in captivity without this mushroom have no will to eat and quickly die of starvation.

Parasect evolve after the mushrooms completely subsume the host. The body slowly decays while being piloted by the mushroom. It scatters spores to make more mushrooms and infect more Paras.

The relationship between this pokemon and the mushrooms is not symbiotic, but Paras are still unable to live without the mushrooms. It's accurate to say that the fungus has fully domesticated the insect.


Celadon city lies near the coast of the Vermillion inlet and Routes 16 and 17 extend east and south respectively. Route 16 connects to Viridian city, though through the rough wilderness, and 17 connects to Route 18 and Fuschia City of South Kanto. The divide between Viridian and Route 16 is a large wood connected to Viridian Forest, broadly called the Viridian Wood.

In Celadon City proper, the Game Corner hosts a number of Pokemon available for purchase. Kanto is the only region that allows the corporate purchase of Pokemon, and the Game Corner is the only place that this practice proliferates. There are a number of Pokemon bred by the Game Corner, such as Porygon, but species such as Eevee, Dratini, and Scyther can be bought. Eevee and Porygon are common in these urban areas, but other such pokemon will be discussed in their natural habitats.

Route 16, the non wooded areas, are hilly and home to the common species like Ratatta and Spearow. Pidgey do not live in these areas where their preferred bug pokemon are scarce, in favor of Spearow and Doduo who feast on the grass-types here. There are also several species who have developed in this urbanized area, such as Grimer and Muk. Celadon and Saffron Cities are closeby, so urban pokemon proliferate.

Route 17, also known as Cycling road, has few pokemon. The only unique member of this area is Ponyta, who enjoy the long, flat area to run upon. It is also a popular fishing spot.


Eevee are a unique Pokemon who evolve depending on the environment they are raised in. They evolve into either Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Glaceon, Leafeon, or Sylveon, depending on their exposure. They are normal type and belong to the Field egg group. Eevee possesses a Gigantimax form.

Eevee is small, just 30 cm in height, and they enjoy a healthy population in the wild and in domestication. They were once the premiere starter pokemon until the advent of the starter program, but they still are a trainer's first partner in many areas. Gigantimax Eevee grow immense fur on their tufts.

Vaporeon, the Water type, evolves from Eevee who either live in watery areas or are exposed to the Water Stone. They gain the ability to breathe underwater as well as swim elegantly. Its fins detect barometric pressure.

Flareon, the Fire type, evolves from Eevee in hot climates or when exposed to a Fire Stone. It stores fire in its body, like many fire-types. Be careful, it can radiate intense heat. They're the rarest in the wild.

Jolteon, the Electric-type doesn't evolve in the wild. It evolves due to a thunder stone. Its fur conducts electricity and is useful to the power industry.

Espeon gains a jewel on its forehead and is Psychic type. It evolves if no particular environment is present, making it the most common in the wild. It's said they can read minds, as they react uncannily to their opponent's moves and have a knack for knowing just where prey are.

Umbreon are dark-type. They evolve if there is no particular environment, but they evolve to be nocturnal. It's unknown why this is. Its bodily rings glow when exposed to moonlight. They co-exist with Eevee and Espeon in the wild and keep predators away by unnerving them. Also, interestingly, their sweat is poisonous.

Leafeon are Grass-type. They evolve in wooded environments occassionally, or when exposed to Leaf stones. It's likely they evolve when food is scarce, since they can consume grass and other plant mater. Their fur changes into leaves which it uses to store energy.

Glaceon are Ice-type and evolve in frigid environments. It uses its fur to make its hair stand on end and protect itself. They are popular in the winter recreation industry due to their abilities to make snow by freezing the atmosphere.

Sylveon are fairy-type and evolve during mysterious circumstances. They evolve seemingly when they are needed and trainers who desire them seem to always evolve their Eevees into Sylveon. They are capable of soothing the spirit, and partner Sylveon are given to people suffering from depression. They are also good in fights due to their ability to make foes unlikely to retaliate as hard.


Porygon is one of the several man-made pokemon. It has two evolutions depending on the data it is given, Porygon 2 and Porygon Z. They are all normal type and belong to the Mineral group. They have no gender.

Porygon, or Porygon 1, was orignaly made by the Silph Co. to combat computer viruses. Later, it was considered sentient, and later still, Silph Co. made bodies for Porygon to occupy. It is able to reproduce biologically due to Silph Co's efforts, but sadly, the research has been lost due to the head programmer, Bill Sr. passing away before passing on his code.

Porygon 2 were invented by Bill Jr. the creator of the original PC Pokemon Data Storage System. Upgrade discs are in regular circulation for trainers to upgrade their Porygon. Silph Co. partnered with Hoenn's Aerospace efforts to create this Pokemon to explore the stars. As such, it requires no oxygen and is pressure-stable, allowing it to live in zero G.

Porygon Z were created by an anonymous bioprogrammer. It's unknown why or how it was developed. One theory is that it was developed by the Aether Foundation to explore different dimensions, but they have not taken credit. It acts erratically, but trainers love them. They are evolved using Dubious Discs.


Baby Munchlax evolve into Snorlax. They are both normal type and belong to the Monster egg group. Snorlax possesses a gigantimax form.

Munchlax are small creatures, 60 cm tall, who consume far past what their metabolism requires. This eating causes their evolution.

Snorlax grow into their massive appetites. They seem to only engage in sleeping and eating, but are happy to be trained. They occasionally carelessly eat small pokemon, but their diet is herbivorous. They are immense, two meters tall and two meters wide, weighing an average of 460 kilos or half a ton. Due to their sedentary lifestyle, they are peaceful with humans, but they do get in the way of routes occasionally.

Gigantimax Snorlax grow so large that trees and bushes grow on them. Their snoring is a nuissance.


The Muk line begins with Grimer, then Muk. They have an Alolan form to be discussed later on, and the Kantonian form is Poison-Type, belonging to the Amorphous Egg Group.

Grimer is a pile of sludge and waste. The actual biomass of a grimer is very small, but it attaches itself to waste of all kinds. Newborn Grimer are incubated inside their parents' bodies and hatch into a fresh batch of sludge. Grimer quickly die if they have no sludge to bond to.

Muk are even larger and even genuinely toxic. Trainers who use Muk are legally required to use synthetic sludge that has no aroma. Large groups of them congregate around factories. Though they smell repugnant, they are good for the environment, since they consume waste.

++Sadly, Chapter 3 is long enough as it is, so next time we shall discuss the remainder of Kanto's areas and the remainder of the pokemon therein. Worry not, Kanto fans, your favorites shall be discussed soon.

This has been Professor Redwood. See you next time.


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