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It happened again. 2 years of work with this game has ended in a studio shutdown, all employees let go. 

Since before that I was working for another studio where I spent ~3 years working on titles that never saw the light of day...that's a total of 5 years of working on shit that I do not own and that isn't improving my merits in this business. So right now, I'm feeling pretty burned with the game industry tbh.

However, it's not all bad news! I will immediately pivot to put my full focus on Falconshield. I have put together a quite comprehensive content plan, with a new song every month, and much more content in between. 

So, this is a good time to be a Patron. And this is a good time for me to have Patrons. You're really more valuable to me than ever. And for your sake, I'm happy to make this announcement, since you're about to get a whole lot more for what you're paying for!

In every crisis is an opportunity. 

See you very soon~


Lord Reginald

We as Patreons stay behind Falconshield as long as it exists. Stay strong ;)


Never gonna stop the music's too good!