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November is upon us. 

This will prove to be a pivotal time for me. If you didn't know, for the last one and half years, I've been working intensively as Audio Director for this game: https://www.shadowwar.com

It's an action multiplayer team based game, with a near future sci-fi setting. Think Overwatch, for some reference. 

In 2 weeks time, we will know if we will secure the funding required to continue development. If not, I'll be out of a job. Perhaps there it some precedent to hope for the latter, since I'll likely focus more on Falconshield then xD

In either case, I'm so thankful for your support. It really makes a difference and I really hope you feel you're getting value for your money. 

SO...with all that said - here's a preview for all of you...the Kindred song. I just have an intro for you right now, but there's more to come.

Cheers comrades!




Loving the intro, its like an opening western soundtrack, but more ethereal Also the game looks interesting, reminds me of shadowrun 2007