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$6k Milestone Show Slot Poll!!

  • Anohana 92
  • Daily Lives of Highschool Boys 103
  • Devil is a Part-Timer 284
  • Land of the Lustrous 171
  • Paranoia Agent - By Satoshi Kon 107
  • Ping-Pong the Animation 124
  • Sakamoto Desu Ga (Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto) 147
  • Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju (Season 1 only) 107
  • Usagi Drop 49
  • Violet Evergarden 128
  • 2018-02-12
  • —2018-02-19
  • 1312 votes
{'title': '$6k Milestone Show Slot Poll!!', 'choices': [{'text': ' Anohana', 'votes': 92}, {'text': 'Daily Lives of Highschool Boys', 'votes': 103}, {'text': 'Devil is a Part-Timer', 'votes': 284}, {'text': 'Land of the Lustrous', 'votes': 171}, {'text': 'Paranoia Agent - By Satoshi Kon', 'votes': 107}, {'text': 'Ping-Pong the Animation', 'votes': 124}, {'text': "Sakamoto Desu Ga (Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto)", 'votes': 147}, {'text': 'Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju (Season 1 only)', 'votes': 107}, {'text': 'Usagi Drop', 'votes': 49}, {'text': ' Violet Evergarden', 'votes': 128}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 2, 19, 7, 59, 50, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 2, 12, 5, 24, 5, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 1312}


Congratulations everyone! Wow you all have blown us away by your  incredible generosity and support! We cannot thank you enough!

Vote for ANY AND ALL that you would like to see. Whichever gets the most votes we will start reacting to on the week of the 25th. Day of the week TBD based on what show wins.

If your voted show didn't win, we still look at what got second and third place for current show slot replacements.

By the way, Jacob has seen Anohana, Daily Lives of Highschool Boys, and Usagi Drop.

MyAnimeList links below:













Grats on the milestone! And yea you guys have like the most genuine reaction ive seen, definitely deserves the support.


If Hunter X Hunter included in this list, I would vote for a third day for it.


oh yeh.....oooooooh yeahhh...we are doing it!

Princess Paladin

If only there was a single show on the list I actually wanted you to do a reaction of. :( But hey, at least you reached another milestone! That means not only more moolah in your pockets, but more chances for a show I know something about in the future! :D (maybe please consider adding Another to the list. It's pretty short, and very good.)


Honestly would prefer if you guys gave the option to double down on any of the shows you're currently watching. You're watching so many long shows at once (HxH, JoJo, Monster, technically Haikyuu) that it would definitely help alleviate wait time). Still voted for Ping Pong though.


Paranoia Agent is the only one of these I've even heard of. Guess I'm abstaining, unless someone can make a decent pitch for one of these.

Hamza Khan

Put devilman crybaby on the list


Congratulations. Where that second JoJo slot at tho?


I hear ya. Check some of them out! Many come highly recommended. What genre would you prefer we react to next? I can help direct you to the show that fits best on the list. Okay we added Another to our master list.


Sad to see people are choosing Devil is a part timer over Paranoia Agent or Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju. I think these two would benefit from bros way of breaking down an episode.


Obligatory hxh 3rd day post. Don't mind me, I know the way out.

Life Legacy

Devil is a part timer‼️‼️ Hyped❗️ Congratulations Guys 🏆

Fawzi Alomari

I agree with you there, if the bros add one more episode to hunter x hunter they would finish it in 30 weeks instead of 50! I understand their reluctance to do that though

Vianta Roa

Ayyy now watch land of the lustrous :D


no berserk :v


You should consider adding Shinsekai Yori to your next poll. Probably wouldn't win against the popular shows. I think you two would like it and not many have reacted to it. Mystery/Supernatural/Psychological anime with lots of cool worldbuilding and one of the strongest endings in an anime series.


Don't make me choose between Sakamoto, and the Devil, that's like choosing between children. Also here are a few from my master list, to add to your master list, if they aren't already. Welcome to the N-H-K ( Comedy, Psychological, Drama, Romance ), Samurai Flamenco ( Action, Comedy, Parody ), Major ( Sports, Drama, Shounen ), One Piece ( Doesn't matter, you won't do this one ), Ajin ( Action, Mystery, Horror, Supernatural, Seinen ), Overlord ( Action, Game, Adventure, Supernatural, Magic, Fantasy ), and No Game No Life ( Game, Adventure, Comedy, Supernatural, Ecchi, Fantasy ).


Have you already seen Kiseijuu aka Parasyte? That would definitely be an amazing watch and bring up some great discussion, would like to see that on the next poll.


Absolutely agree with Welcome to the N.H.K! Would love to hear their discussion on that


Although there were some problems around the middle due with pacing and there weren't any reasons explaining why some things happened (you know exactly what :P), I agree. One of the most interesting shows I've seen even with those flaws.


Loved Usagi Drop's anime, it was so feel-good. The problem with it? The Manga. Please never read it if you don't want the whole thing to be ruined. On the other hand, you should consider One Outs!!, it is an amazing show that I know you'd love as well.


if promised neverland ever gets an anime you should definitely watch that


I was wondering how anime’s get on to the list? Can we suggest things to them and they put it on the list or do they just put whatever they want on there?

Michał Zienkiewicz

Wont win by normal means, so I selected em all

Lord Snail the Slimy

It's alright, Rakugo, you'll get there... bros will watch you one day... one day...

Ryan H

So many good choices!

Travis Saar

I'll never understand why Patrons want a comedy show, let alone two. IMO the best part of their reactions by far are their discussions but comedy shows don't really allow for any discussion whatsoever.


Because a portion of people, myself included don't care about the discussions. I used to care about the discussions, but when they linger on irrelevant things, or put characters into stereotypes, generally overanalyze, it gets frustrating to watch. A comedy series alleviates some of that, because there isn't anything to talk about, they can just enjoy the show.


Can we have Silver Spoon for next pole?


don't know any of these shows and don't care for most of them


Bakuman, Inuyashiki, etc


You should definitely keep Paranoia Agent for the next polls, it is one of those great anime everyone should eventually watch and I think it would fit you guys in terms of storytelling and plot speculation.


I literally just finished Paranoia Agent today and now I can vote for it, the plot is really hard to keep up with but, overall it's a really good show.


Daily Lives of Highschool Boys easily one of the best comedy animes imo.


Hopefully Rakugo gets at least 3rd place. I'm quite interested in hearing their thoughts on it. I don't imagine a straight up comedy will provide much discussion, so as much as I like Sakamoto desu ka or Devil is a Part-timer, I'm not sure they're suitable. 🤔


Looks like it won't be this time, but I sure hope they'll get around to see Paranoia Agent. Such a great one.

Silver Bard Games

I'm surprised you guys haven't seen Paranoia Agent yet. Too bad it's not doing that well in the poll.


I feel like I say this every poll, but I'm never excited about the shows they pick


I feel like a lot more people would enjoy it if they allowed some form of patron submissions to the poll for shows. There's really no harm in doing so and it makes it more exciting and less restrictive than regulated polls where a patron might not have seen or like any of the shows listed.


Most of these are great! Devil is a Part-Timer is a solid 7/10, and several of your lower ones are excellent, but I'll vote for anything that keeps the abomination Sakamoto out of the running. There is no story progression or noteworthy characters, just the same unfunny joke ad nauseam.


I know you guys get enough recommendations, but in case you are looking for more cool and unique 13 episodes anime: The Tatami Galaxy; Zankyou no Terror; Sakamichi no Apollon; Kino no Tabi; Mononoke. If any of these make a future poll I am more than happy.


come on guys daily lives of high school boys is up there I thought this fan base were anime watchers not casuals first berserk and now this? (just playin btw gonna watch whatever gets picked anyway XD)


Pertaining to Tatami Galaxy; I feel like they would need to watch it at .75x to be able to actually read the subtitles, know whats going on, as well as react to it. It's one of my all time favorite shows, but I can't imagine it being possible to live react to (in my opinion)


Zankyou no Terror!!! I would love to see a good discussion about it.


Fist of the northstar my dudes

Minashiro Soushi

"... Jacob has seen... Daily Lives of Highschool Boys" - that's the reason for it doing so badly.

Tammi M

Usagi Drop!

Minashiro Soushi

Out of pure curiosity, how do you primarily watch anime? I get not knowing about something like Paranoia Agent, but Land of the Lustrous was really hot last season (first full-CG anime, that's not shit and actually looks amazing, can you believe it guys?!!) and Violet Evergarden is trending right now (TV series by KyoAni, that is visually stunning, on par with best feature-length movies? hell, yeah!). I was pretty sure one of these two shows would run away with this poll...


Boku no Pico


Cool guys! For future polls I'm going highly recommend Akatsuki no Yona. Its a fantastic series that many pass over at first glance.


Whenever a new slot opens up for a show with 50+ episodes, you guys should include Shokugeki No Soma, it's an utterly fantastic series that I would LOVE for you guys to watch.


No Overlord?

Jonatan Nielsen

Ping Pong is great, anyone who watched it would recommend it I think.

Lil Bit

I’d like to see assassination classroom and devilman crybaby on here!

Katarina Kurko

Noragami (but I think Jacob already watched it but its a good anime,so many emotions and comedy is also great) ,The seven deadly sins,Ao no Exorcist,Owari no Seraph,Ajin,




ERASED (Boku dake ga Inai Machi)

Luis Everth

I really want you to do Ping-Pong. It's shorter than most series (11 episodes) and it's a great character driven show.


Doesn't seem like their fan-base likes it very much though. Most of the votes went to comedy-oriented shows.


Yay! Land of the Lustrous is high, I'm so happy~~

Nick Heiney

So many good shows! I want them to react to them all!


Im waiting for the day that you watch the Monogatari series...


I always miss these polls... Could you upload videos on You Tube were you anounce that these are happening? If you already anounce them somewhere please tell me where...