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We're nearing the end of the first arc! As such we would have had a poll talking about doing 1 or 2 episodes of HxH per week.

HOWEVER, we did not anticipate the level of excitement around this show. As such we will continue to do 2 episodes a week of HxH until further notice.

The trouble with Nippon TV blocking every episode they can is also spurring us on to finish this show so that we don't have to deal with them anymore.

The Vid.me solution is also working well! Be sure to go to the link below to follow our channel there so it can be verified, giving us the ability to continue uploading our HxH videos.


That being said, we're still exuberantly racing down the HxH hype train tracks! We're loving the characters, story and world as they all continue to develop!

Looking forward to more and more in the future!

Thank you all for your continued generous support as we go through one of your favorite stories!


Jacky Lin

well, i just want you guys to enjoy the show


Wooo! Two episodes every week! That's great news!


Thank you! Looking forward to the next episode!


Really glad that you guys are enjoying this show ! The hype for this show and the characters would progressively get better and better the further down the line


I’m happy... that is all. XD


Be prepared guys.. :)


I'm just glad you guys are enjoying the show.

Alibek Kulimbetov

is it only me, who has vid.me blocked in the country?


Not sure, I know riffs tends to be blocked in more countries which is why they chose vid.me, hope you can figure a way to use it.


I'm mainly glad you're enjoying the show. Thanks for continuing to do 2 episodes a week!!


Glad that you guys are continuing 2 episodes a week


Has episode 18 already a link to vid.me? Can't find it anywhere..


theres programs to unmirror and unchipmunk the voice in the comments section for the video


Even with 2 episodes a week it'll take about a year to get to the greatness of the last arc :( but i love your reactions I'm just happy u guys are reacting to it


2 episode per week is fine. More money from Patreon early access that way.


You should be doing 2 episodes of JoJo per week.. but ok


Totally agree. They will finish the series in approximately one year and four months


uh JoJo?

Frederick Jaskowski

while I agree, I think they can put a second JoJo episode into Psycho-Pass's slot once they finish that, HXH is also vary long and they need to catch up there too.

Lord Snail the Slimy

I knew you were going to continue with the 2 episodes per week thing :) Glad you're liking the show so far.


Give us two episodes for JoJo, and I'll pay double. Take me money guys. Take all of my money!

Clear Lime

3 episodes of hxh per week would be awesome though I know that's not gonna happen