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Full Reactions Poll (Read Below)

  • Yes. 50
  • No, that's too expensive. 82
  • No, that doesn't interest me. 34
  • 2017-08-18
  • —2017-09-01
  • 202 votes
{'title': 'Full Reactions Poll (Read Below)', 'choices': [{'text': 'SHUT UP AND TAKE MAH MONIES!!', 'votes': 36}, {'text': 'Yes.', 'votes': 50}, {'text': "No, that's too expensive.", 'votes': 82}, {'text': "No, that doesn't interest me.", 'votes': 34}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 1, 6, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 18, 22, 57, 47, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 202}


If in the future, we added our full, unedited reactions WITHOUT  any episode footage, that you have to sync up to, would you pledge $10 to get that reward tier?

Btw this would be applied retroactively to ALL Semblance of Sanity reactions, as we've saved a MASSIVE archive of all our videos.

NOTE: We are doing this for feedback porpoises ;). Even if the poll is a resounding YES, there's some logistics we'd have to go through before this is made possible.


Eren Jaeger

Of course! I would love that! It's not difficult at all to sync it with my own anime window, as long as the sound in the anime still is in the video, which I think it will be, right? Thank you so much for this option~~


Well, to be fair, you are remaining within legal standards by doing so. In fact, it's more legal than what you're currently doing, to be honest. It would give us more context to certain scenes and lighten the load on you both for editing tough episodes where there's tons of great content. I think that as long as you put up an episode timer or something to help it would work great.


The sound would be ALMOST non-existent, or not there at all. But there would be a timer to sync up with.


Exactly, and we want people to be coming to our channel for us, not just the shows themselves. Yes there would be a timer.


Don't have the money right now to pledge more than I do right now, but if I get more room in my budget some time in the future, I diffenately would do it :)


No thanks, I like your reactions, but I'm not really interested in syncing videos myself.

Coco XLarge

Edited + Discussion seems to be what's keeping this channel successful in the first place.


idk, if you're going to turn it into a full reaction personally I think you should just change the entire format to that. maybe I'm just saying that because I can't afford 10 a month, but there's my 2 cents on the situation.

Dave Lorenz

I prefer watching reactions this way anyway so i guess i have to cough up another 5$. Still 10$ is a tad bit expensive i think.


My 2 cents. I don't know if any other channel does this, but maybe instead of having these for $10 patrons, make them available to everyone. If you plan on continuing editing and posting the normal reactions together, it probably wouldn't be much extra work to just add a timer and upload all of the videos, although it might take a little more time. There's no fear of copyright strikes with the unedited videos, they are longer, and they could probably earn you more money since they are longer. I don't know if this would take off views from the normal videos or the difference it would make with patrons but it's just an idea.


Could you get ad revenue from these if they are only available for patrons?

Ryan H

Yas!!!! I'm already doing 10 a month VIP is a bit too much this would be perfect


The 10 dollars I believe would be worth it if we didn't have to sync up the 2 videos and they were both their with no cuts, Married2thereal does this (full reaction but you have to sync) with HxH and its free on youtube.

Giancarlo Hamlin

I would definitely do it. I already pledge that much for blind wave. Also for those people saying its to much Blind Wave does it and they have over 1400 people paying for it.


Not for anime as they are generally only around 20 min anyway, however for shows like GOT yes due to the differculty in cover how much happens in 10 min. This from someone who watched your accidental full reaction upload of the last GOT episode and really enjoyed it


As a mainly mobile user this like the blind wave option offer me little to no benefit im afraid.

Fred Gallow

I think it's just a matter of knowing your reactions to everything. But when you take highlights and then talk about the things that interested you then fine. It's awesome having footage though, knowing what exactly you are reacting to is great. But I WOULD pledge $10 or more with full episode with footage. Not that syncing it up would be a problem but paying more than $10 with a full reaction without footage I can do that for free with other channels. Don't get me wrong. I love the long discussions after the episode but I don't want to pay more money for something that is pretty easy to do.

Jack Black

Absolutely. It would ensure that those of us willing to pay a little more for it could avoid the possibility of having our favorite moments editing out. Especially from the upcoming episodes of MHA, which i feel are uncuttable.


I voted for "No, that's too expensive." even though I don't think it's really the case. At least I wouldn't think so if I didn't live in a country where its currency dropped in value 2x times so every spending in $ became much more hurtful to the wallet. I might take the plunge anyway, because syncing up and watching full reactions are my favorite way to watch reactions, but I wouldn't feel good about it as I wouldn't be able to support any other content creator on patreon (1 more for 5$ at most).


Personally I think that's a little steep especially if we'd have to sync up the footage, but I respect you guys and your commitment to this channel so I would be okay with either decision you made.


I'd love to see full reactions. [edit- just noticed you already answered my question, sorry! XD]

Major Mucus

i would definitly be interested to have the full reaction. Although on a personnal note, i can't afford to raise my contribution any higher at this moment, wich mean i wouldn't be able to benefit from it ...


Maybe if $10 is too high, you could window it for a while (make it available to a $10 tier for a while and then make it available to lower tiers) or set it as a goal if you hit a certain amount per month)


I would love full reactions. $10 sounds fair but that's just my opinion.