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As there has been a recent surge in Patreon subscribers (thank you!) let me ask you about which FPGA model you are using. Select as many as you own. Note that multiple choice may only work through a web browser.



I've only had the Pocket for a week, but it has quickly become my favorite gaming device. The work you've done on cores is incredible and I am here to support your further development for the Analogue Pocket!


MiSTer 4 life (or until MARS comes along)!

Esben Hardenberg

MiSTer x 2 and a Pocket here. Love all the stuff you are putting out, but MiSTer is where my heart is 😌

Timothee Groleau

Hi! I'm too late to vote, but I'm on analogue pocket! 😄 Also I wanted to ask (am not sure how to send DMs): is porting Solar Warriors (Xain'd Sleena) by Taito possible?