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(español abajo)

After much struggle, I have moved the memory controller to a 96MHz clock. This had large implications in the system. For those developers out there, not the whole core is operated at that speed, part of it runs at 48MHz in order to ease synthesis. Much of the time this week has been in making the core synthesize correctly with no timing errors at the new speed. Also, another change was to use the whole SDRAM space (32MB) instead of a single bank (8MB).

So that was the pain, how about the gain? Well, the new speed solved the horizontal glitches seen is some scenes.  And with the new space now larger games can be loaded. And the first two to come are:

Captain Commando! and Mega Man!

There have been other minor fixes which you may notice. Oh, and preliminary support of the star fields in Strider. Not very pretty yet though...

The MRA files are located in the folder MRA-20200327. The new RBF files are in the usual place too. Check the first beta post for the download URL.

I wanted to include a third title but the 96MHz change has been very time consuming. Sorry!

Enjoy these two great titles and please, stay safe.


Esta ha sido una semana de mucho trabajo de fondo, del que se nota poco en la superficie pero que hay que hacer. El cor funciona ahora a 96MHz en cuanto a la memoria. Esto tiene muchas ventajas y la que vais a notar más rápidamente es que ya no hay fallas de líneas horizontales. 

Otro cambio interno ha sido usar todos los bancos de memoria de SDRAM en vez de solo el primero. El resultado es que podemos cargar juegos más grandes, como los dos de esta semana:

Captain Commando! y Mega Man!

Quería que hubiera un tercero pero no me ha dado tiempo a más. ¡Lo siento! Los ficheros están donde siempre ;-) Consultad la primera publicación si no sabéis dónde.

Disfrutad de estos dos juegazos y cuidaos en estos días difíciles.



Sam Armin

Hi,I'm new here! where are the files? where is the "usual place"?


Hi Sam, Please follow the link in the post. It will take you to the post about the first beta. That post contains the link to a google shared folder.


Hello, thanks for all your hard work, this project is simply what the community needed! I have a question about the pause button in the new core beta, is there a way to toggle/remove the credits rolling during pause? can't take pictures anymore! ;P. ...again , thanks a lot for all your hard work!


Hi Max, we were discussing about it in Discord. I will make 1P button toggle the credits once in pause. So each time you pause you get the credits but once paused you can disabled them if you want to get a screenshot.