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It's been 4 days since the workshop in Tenerife ended and I stopped feeling tired just today. Finally, I had the desire to do something, to go somewhere, to film someone - even to simply leave the hotel and go to the ocean. I never thought that a workshop could be so exhausting physically and emotionally. But I will say this - a workshop is a small life, it's like a children's camp but about photography)

After tomorrow I am going to Barcelona and will continue my energy recovery there. I will see relatives, sleep a lot, spend time by the sea, in museums, galleries and hope to find a ukulele for these two months)

Incidentally, this is a shooting from October. With a photographer I really like - Andrew. Don't waste your time and go to his Instagram or Patreon - he sees girls very cool. He is one of those photographers who doesn't need a cool camera to shoot something decent. He was the only one who came to our filming and said - "I don't want to film you the way others film you, I want you to be yourself like in these videos where you dance." And so - it turned out to be the most honest shooting of me. I didn't pose, I just danced, just laughed, just talked, just "was". Well, what am I going to tell you - some have already seen it in the backstage video). I missed shooting like this. It's a pity that I still can't capture those emotions and moments in self-portraits.

Part 2 from this session will be soon) 




Beautiful series Julia. It can be seen in the pictures that you enjoyed this :) Have a great day

Wonder Andy

I love this approach to photography. There's so much shallow fakeness in this world, and understandably in photography, where so many just want to look somehow perfect (by whatever criteria they adopt as ruling their lives) to an unreal extent. I think it's sad everyone thinks they need to look the same, and make everyone look the same. To me the very interesting thing, and pretty much the only interesting thing, is to capture the model's (or even any object's) individual characteristics – something real and rare. Perhaps something they don't usually reveal in public, at work, in their daily lives. Perhaps something of beauty they have not seen in themselves before. Capture someone's personality in a photo. To me *that* is interesting, valuable and worth the time. Maybe that is what lead me to follow your work in the first place whereas I've never subscribed to a commercial magazine. And, again, the pictures came out great! Andrew was indeed a good tip, I've not checked him out before. Thanks for the post! PS. I sometimes also need to take days for myself to recharge and sometimes it makes me feel flawed. I should just accept it as a normal thing. You sharing your experiences makes this easier for me :)