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Today is the birthday of the woman who gave me life.

Even as a kid, I looked at the mothers of my friends and it seemed to me that they were much better than mine. It seemed to me that other mothers were more understanding, more supportive, more fashionable and more modern. My mother was always conservative, too worried and it was difficult for me to discuss some of my teenage problems with her. I will say more, I simply did not share anything with her after several failed attempts.

But time passed and I realized that in reality it was not so important. I wanted her to be my friend and not my mother. I wanted to change her role, which is wrong in principle.

And this understanding did not come to me immediately. And our relationship didn't change in one second either. We went through all the stages of the crisis - from rejection, screams, tears, non-communication for a certain time to the desire to just be near ecah other and say words of thanks for what we have in each other.

And now, when I talk to my friends or even just new acquaintances, I often tell spme stories about my mother) I feel a deep desire to introduce my friends to her - I don't even understand why. I feel how proud I am that she is my mother, I am proud that she is kind and sensitive to people, to the world and to herself. And I am very grateful for how she raised me despite the conditions and opportunities in which I grew up. All this is strange, but so nice.

Happy birthday my Best Mom in the world !



G Ranger

You write such beautiful thoughts and feelings. Thank you.