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These are film footage from our joint trip to Tenerife. These are the last days when I was inspired, when I was burning with the desire to do something, when I was enjoying the richness of the beginning of the year, when I did not let go of the camera.

I don't understand what happened. Why can't I be inspired again for so long( I already have about 10   models in Ukraine who want to shoot with me and they are unbelievably cool, but I'm just confused as to how I'm going to shoot them... I just lost all understanding. Everything became so same.

This month started with new habits and discoveries about myself.

- I started keeping a diary (it turns out that this is not such a silly thing as I thought. Every time I start to write down my thoughts and emotions for the day, and everything that comes to mind at that moment - I find common fears and dissatisfactions in them. I start better to understand myself. Also, due to the fact that I actually summarize my day in a diary, I began to praise myself more. In just a couple of days, I found a direction in myself that I need to work on to improve my condition and life)

- I started running (I'm not sure that I can write this already, because I ran only twice so far, but on the days when I can't run, I did exercise. I still don't feel any changes in my body, except for muscle pain after classes, but I become more disciplined because of it)

- I started to have a more rational attitude towards food consumption (I eat only when I start to feel at least a little hungry. I only eat as much as my body needs. I try not to eat on emotions. I don’t eat chips, popcorn and various snacks while watching a TV series. I try to maintain a balance in the body by the feeling of satiety)

- I started treating my body with respect. (I am the guardian of my body, I have to take care of the health of the whole body... and not only when something hurts, but also to periodically do medical examinations. I also have to take more seriously what I put on my body - the quality of fabrics and tailoring. This is directly related to self-esteem and automatically changes your circle of communication (as if the more carefully you choose your clothes, the more carefully you will choose the people you let into your life).




I love this session. For its feeling of detachment, fragility and loneliness. Like you don’t want to pose and be caught in the frame, but don’t have energy to run from the camera. Like there’s nowhere to run so you hide inside.