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The story of how I filmed with Fred.

I wrote to him myself because one of our common acquaintances from the photo party told me "Fred really wants to take a picture of you, but is ashamed to write." Of course, we immediately planned the shooting - we chose the date, studio, shooting style. 

And then the day came .... I slowly gathered everything I needed, went out earlier to have lunch at a cafe nearby and walking to reach the destination. (Half an hour before we agreed to meet in a cafe next to the studio to drink coffee and talk a bit). I sit like this with Fred drinking coffee, talking about photography, about models and Italy (because he is an Italian who has been living in Kyiv for three years and he really likes it) ..... and I begin to understand that I very quickly start wanting to sleep, strangely soft body and eyelashes that are very difficult to open. I understand that something is wrong - I go to the bathroom: I look in the mirror and realize that I have an allergic reaction (to the same delicious risotto that I ate in a cafe on a lunch). My eye is starting to swell) Once I had something similar but in addition to the eye I had spots on my body and I was insanely itchy.

At that time, with Fred - I bought medicine at the pharmacy, drank it and hoped that in half an hour the swelling will subside .... or will have to shoot only in profile with the eye that is not swollen 😂  ..... Funny situation, but still it worked out and the allergy went away.

PS Magic of film shootings




Well, despite your allergy issues this shoot produced some lovely images. I bought two of them off Fred (with a couple of other Ukraine based images) as part of the fundraiser he did. They have printed up superbly. In one you are crouched with one eye obscured by the door. Was that the puffed up eye. Well done. I do like the reflections. Stay well.


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