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This will be a long line of my thoughts. Perhaps it will not be of interest to you, since I most likely will not post nude photos for the first time (now it’s not at all up to it). But I want to share my feelings.

The day before X day, I arrived in Odessa - a beautiful southern city of Ukraine by the sea. I came to my friend for her birthday and part-time farewell party (she won a green card and for a long time planned to leave for America for permanent residence and finally decided). I arrived a little earlier to prepare for the celebration, since it was a costume party and each guest even had to come up with some kind of performance - whether it was a dance or a song, maybe a stand-up or a presentation - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to be heartfelt and fun.

I decided to be the Shakira singer at the party. This is my favorite childhood singer - I loved her songs, videos, how she dances - I considered her the standard of female beauty. I wanted to sing her song and of course dance her hot dances.

I could not even imagine that in the evening I would stand at the mirror to learn her dance moves from the clips, and the next morning I would wake up from the fact that we were bombed by a neighboring state.

In a previous post, I said that I am not afraid, that I am strong ... But I have never experienced such fear. The first day was the most difficult - you live as if in a nightmare, it seems to you that this is not real, your phone is torn every 10 minutes from calls from loved ones, all social networks are full of news about the war - where did it explode, which village / city was taken or recaptured, how to survive the bombing....

I never thought that I would know the difference between shelling "hail", "hurricane" and how people should act in cases of such shelling.

It is especially hard to experience this when your family is not around and it is scattered in different cities. You are looking for different options to gather all your people together and try to leave for a safe place - abroad. Because there is simply no other safe place.

Now - after 2 days - I want to say that I am proud of my country, I am proud of our army, I am happy that I was born here, our people are the strongest, most courageous and most loving. We will fight to the end even if no one wants to help us!

Even if Putin overthrows our government and sets his own, they will have to be afraid. We will not give up our freedom so easily.

Glory to Ukraine!




Я советую вам уехать в Румынию. Вам повезло что вы случайно поехали в Одессу до войны. Ситуация в Киеве черезвычайнее чем в Одессе в данный момент. Сбегайте и будьте остарожны.

Wonder Andy

I really wish you are in a safe place by now! The situation is absolutely terrifying :( Hope to hear from you soon 🙏 Slava Ukraini!