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Everyone knows about what is happening between Russia and Ukraine. All the media are trumpeting this, social networks are overflowing with information from different sides, "sofa wars" are taking place, someone is afraid and collects things to go abroad, someone collects weapons and prepares for war...

I've been afraid of everything all my life. I was afraid to ask a passerby what time it is, to call / go to the doctor, in principle to speak first and change anything in my life. I was afraid of people, afraid of myself and afraid of changes. It took a long time for a realization to come to me - fear is in my head and it can be easily driven away if you do not feed it with your emotions and thoughts.

Sometimes I start thinking about what can happen, what to do, where to run, how to save loved ones and myself. something will happen and we don't know good or bad. And then I remember that fear and panic is the worst thing that can happen at such moments. This feeling does not help to live, think soberly and solve some problems.

So, now I'm not afraid. No matter what happens.. I'm just waiting for what happens with a cold mind.

P.S. This is my shortest photo shoot ever. It lasted 10 minutes. And all because the sun went behind the cloud so quickly that there was no point in continuing. Everything became gray and uninteresting.




Not here for the photos, as far as now, just to send solidarity and to hope you are safe.

Tim Poprdan

Please be safe!