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Hello everyone) I should have posted this photo shoot on the first of November. But this month immediately began with travel and I simply could not reach my laptop.

Once I had an important shoot - a new collection of a Ukrainian brand - and they needed urgent retouching. I shot, they selected the photos and wanted me to take 700 photos as quickly as possible. I felt all the responsibility and my eyes began to twitch because the deadlines were burning. I gave the filming, and the eye continues to twitch to this day ..... already 3 months. How to get rid of this? I know that all this is psychosomatics and my body just hints to me that I am doing something wrong. I'm digging, digging in myself and just can't find a reason.

Do you believe in psychosomatics? Do you always understand what the body is telling you?

P.S: the stripe on the right breast is not a surgical suture) These are just traces of a fight with my cat




This is a beautifully sensual set. 🔝✔️🔝Congratulations. You’re probably over tired and your physical reactions are your body and mind telling you to slow down. I strongly believe that our body (our self) tells us a lot about ourselves and we should listen to the signs. Take care. Stay safe and well.


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