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Recently I turned 26 and I truly began to feel like an adult (a confident and almost self-sufficient woman: D). An understanding of the value of close people and old friends came to me. Previously, I wanted more and more new acquaintances, with old friends it was boring and not interesting, because they hardly change (I know them inside and out). But with new people it is never boring, they are all so different, I want to get to know them and solve more and more.

But now my outlook has changed, in just a couple of weeks, I realized that I was lost in new people.

With them I do not feel as close and comfortable as with old friends and family. The question arose: What is it all for?

Therefore, this month, and possibly the next, will be dedicated to the most dear ones, those who were with me in sorrow and in joy, people who saw me differently and are not afraid to say what they think straight into my eyes without any pretense.

PS And I was also so inspired by the trip to Paris and the creative community that I got into that now I am simply overwhelmed with inspiration and I am determined to shoot a lot)




…..feminine. I’m other words ✔️🔝✔️


And to close my thoughts….a fabulous photo set👌🏻