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Part 1

Shooting other girls is a challenge for me.

It is quite easy to shoot yourself - you immediately see the result, you know where to turn, you know the composition of the shot, and you know what you accept in yourself, and what is better not to show anyone :D . You first expose the camera, and then you take a pic.

When you need to shoot other girls, it won't work.

Some girls are squeezed and just turn to stone at the sight of the camera and at first you communicate a lot with her, and then you expose each frame - you correct the handles, the back ... in general, everything. you seem to be in control, but the photos are very static and often not alive.

Other girls are unpredictable like fire. They know and love their body. They move without hesitation, do what you didn't even think about. You just need to keep up with them and catch those very shots.

So Olya is a girl - "fire"! At some point, I wanted not to photograph her, but simply to admire how she was moving. It was difficult for me. I used to work slowly or at a medium pace. But, in any case, I liked it and I definitely want to shoot Olya again)




Stunning model 🤯


I was looking through all of your work and thinking the opposite. I don’t know how you take such incredible self portraits without being able to see the composition. You must have an amazing ability to visualize how your body is positioned in photos. When I first started shooting portraits I had the same problem learning how to direct models. And especially amateur models who like you said turn to stone sometimes. You pick up little tricks and tips tho as you go. Being on set with other photographers is a great way to learn. I also used to watch as many BTS videos as I could find just to see how the models and photographers were interacting. Sometimes you have to pause and have the model just jump around and shake it out so they relax a little. I also like to start shooting with my 3rd or 4th favorite look and tell the model not to worry about how they look, that we are just getting into the rhythm and I don’t spend too much time trying to get the perfect shot. Once the model is more relaxed and there’s a vibe going I’ll start making more adjustments and focus on getting the perfect shot. But you have an amazing eye. I’m sure you’ll find your own style of directing and get exactly what you are looking for.