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I came to the conclusion that everything happens when it should happen.

I got sick with covid at that moment when:

- I had a week to finish working before dismissal

- this week I had 3 commercial orders for photography (which of course had to be canceled)

- I bought tickets for a documentary film festival

- the government announced a lockdown for 3 weeks in the city in which I live

And to the same list - it's spring on the street ... and staying at home at this time of the year is blasphemy.

And you know, at first I was upset ... so many plans and they are all down the drain.

But then when I found out that:

- they manage without me at work so

- photo shoots were moved to later

- the festival went online

- lockdown actually we have "nothing" - one name

- and the spring is such that I don't really want to go out

In general - everything is perfect :D




The same happened to me, I am almost healthy again after a week of covid. Hopefully you will have antibodies soon and that you can go out again. I'm looking forward to the spring sunshine.


Best of luck and health for you!