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I have been in Kyiv for several days. I went here with joy and thought that I would finally rest at home. I will finally be able to think about nothing, enjoy first the silence and peace, and then the city, parents, friends, spring.

And I'm writing this to you now just like a stretched string. I'm ready to explode, my eye twitches again.

- My parents came to meet me and solve their health problems in Kyiv, and that's why they live with us (and will continue to live for the next week for sure, and dad, maybe for the whole three months). Of course, I love them, but you know that it's fun with parents for 3-4 days, and then communication becomes difficult.

- I got so sick that for two days I couldn't do anything except sleep and wake up to eat something and take pills.

- Every night I woke up from air tremors and explosions.

- One of the nights during the weather alarm, I called an emergency medical service because my sister became very sick during the night and I went with her to the hospital.

- In addition, some of my friends try to solve some issues of our relationship with me, or make me feel guilty because I don't communicate with them as they want... (I know real friends don't do that)

I think the universe is telling me that it's time to rent a separate apartment now (and not wait for the end of June (I was thinking of returning from my next work trip and dealing with this issue, and in the spring I'll just do health checks and solve my tax issues)).

And the universe asked me - Am I not too soft? (don't think that I hear any voices, I just have a book of oracles). And I realized that I am too soft and too friendly with people, I try too hard to help them, I want them to feel better too much, I immerse myself too much in their problems and try to be their psychologist. No, it won't be like that. I will not try to explain their problems to people and I will not allow them to reinforce and support their problems by communicating with me. I'd rather be "bad" for them... I'm sorry - it boiled.

I am grateful to all those who accept me as I am and does not look for tricks in our communication.

P.S I think its my first photoshoot when im in clothes and i like the result... Mostly time I feel myself more comfortable without clothes. here was also not so comfortable in but I just tried to believe in photographer.



G Ranger

The result is very good. Some very beautiful shots. And, you are correct. You cannot live other people's lives for them. When you are very nice and kind many people take advantage of that, even if they don't intend to do so.