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I'm finally at home) in Kyiv, with my parents, a dog and a cat.

The last two weeks in Barcelona have been very eventful. The main one was that my friend Aleks came to see me from Berlin... I want to note that I rarely get close to people so quickly and qualitatively - especially foreigners. That in 10 days, a person became my friend, so that I could call him a friend even without the slightest doubt - this is something very unlike me. I am very grateful to Kate because she is the one who introduced us)

A very interesting comparison appeared in my head when we finished shooting with Alex on one of the mountains in Barcelona - we sat on the edge of a cliff, in front of us was an incredible view of mountains, forest, sunset - we could hear the wind and birds hunting for small animals. And I look at all this and think how beautiful it is, how I want to fly... and then I look down and it becomes scary. I look forward with an incredible desire and thirst to fly, and then I look down and fear stops me from wanting to fly. I felt that this is life... You wish for something and think and know that it will be something incredible, beautiful, pleasentfull and then you think about failure or difficulties and stop at achieving what you want.

I decided that from this moment I will look and concentrate only on what I want, and if I see fear somewhere, then I will know that I am on the right path)

So now my first dream is to fly a hang glider) I'm scared to hell of heights but I sure feel how good it will be when I do it.



Ege Baran Terzi

I am using a photo of you with B&W for MacBook wallpaper. It fits amazing… Great works!


Great photos! I hope you are settling well back at home