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Me and 8Fold have been hard at work building the place where Satyr's Paradise takes place.

A hotel alone causes way too many questions. Keeping Buck from being able to just leave after he fought an 8 foot tall satyr with a 13 inch dick got a little silly. What's keeping him from busting a window, or going to the roof and knotting curtains together to make a rope? To give that sense of isolation and to keep him from escaping, we decided to literally isolate him by turning Satyr's Paradise into a gay resort. This also means its way easier to include stuff like bathhouse sex screens.

Here's an idea I had for the first area of the game, the Boathouse. 8Fold is working on building the rooms so im hoping by the end of the month to have a functional version of this level done.

And to make sure you don't leave empty handed, here's an update on the body hair situation. 8Fold is hard at work making Barry a hairy bastard!

I'm gonna work on rooms and enemy AI over the next few days. I'll have another post + a video on thursday! :D


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