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Hey guys! Now that my birthday is over and I don't gotta plan nothin, I wanna go further in-depth on this month's plans.

First: More models! Also giving Barry his body hair! Not only will this allow us to throw more naked dude shenanigans at you, but it will let us have more chances to test the still very new sprite digitizing techniques we're using. The better and more efficient we get at it the more complex models and scenes can be!

Second: More rooms! This directly feeds into the 10 dollar playable teaser. More rooms means more environments to test things with. There's some complex room types that I wanna make sure work, like circular rooms and L shaped hallways. I wanna get multiple rooms and at least one of those complex rooms done this month.

Third: Fully functional gun and enemy! This one's gonna be the most time consuming on my part.  I wanna completely code at least one enemy, and the player character's weapon this month. That way both those things can go in the playable teaser! 

Pretty simple month, but its also gonna be busy! On Monday I'll have a traditional update for you guys, as well as stuff for 2 dollar and 3 dollar patrons! :D


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