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Hey guys! I hope those of you living in the US enjoyed your 4th of July celebration! Now that that is over, hoo boy is there a lot to talk about.

As you may have heard, transformation is on the chopping block alongside hypnosis, which means I can't post anything tf related anymore. It's entirely possible that someday soon patreon will ban NSFW content entirely which is a very scary thought.

If my page does eventually disappear for whatever reason, all my content creation will be moved to itch.io. I really hope that won't be the case though.

In more positive news, I'm gonna be heading to Canada at the end of July, and staying there for probably about 6 months. There's been a lot of prep, and theres a lot of prep to still be done, but once im there and settled in, everything should finally go back to normal. Well, as normal as things can be after all these crackdowns. 

Some time in early August, I'll hold another poll and open forum to see where you guys wanna go with things, probably a little bit after my birthday. I wanna make my patreon good for you guys for as long as it lasts. Since the vote was astonishingly overwhelmingly for voting for working on big projects over everything else last month, I'll keep that up with what time I have in between packing, buying things, filling out forms, and all the other stuff it takes to pull this off. @,@

I spoke to Caesarcub, my partner for the project "My Roommate's Dad", and despite being busy with work, he'd still like to make progress on it. Our goal is to have the first day playable by the end of the year, which seems far away but it's also really soon in terms of development, considering it's just the two of us. So those of you afraid the project was dead can rest easy, it's still being worked on, just little by little at the moment.

 Zap and Andy is coming along as usual, we have base ideas for the next two areas after the motel, but those are a bit away from me showing you any details. I will say that it's very much in line with what you'd think of with a cross between me, Blazingcheeks, and Anothermeekone. :V

Okie dokie, that's all for now. I've been up since yesterday reading about forms and regulations so I'm gonna take off lol.

Until next time!



"transformation is on the chopping block alongside hypnosis.." - wait, what? Why? Where is it written?


People have had their account banned or art removed because according to them it falls under sexual violence. There's a lot of stuff about it circulating on twitter right now and I gotta say this whole thing makes me nervous.