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I'll be honest with everyone. I'm having the worst week of my life. I can't get into it right now, but I'm heavily upset about a lot of stuff, and it's been hard for me to work on the video.

But! Here is the first hour of Sam & Cat regardless. There are a handful of missing graphics, and the Gibby! segment isn't quite done yet. But this is a pretty good glance at what the finished video will feel like. Please leave positive vibes if you can, my life is hell right now.

I'll try to send out Discord invites tomorrow or the next day.


Sam & Cat first hour



Just subscribed here! Your videos make me really happy. I hope you can feel happy soon too.

Muse Songbird

We're late to watching this because of our own hell week, but I'm already loving it. I hope you have the financial stability to take this project slow and take time away if you need it, we'd gladly wait for months to see your next video <3


Take your time bro, we all know being a human is hard


please take all the time your need!! you are much more important than any video. this first hour is looking great already. dont stress yourself!

Laffs Not Laughs

try to work on the video man being productive is good god bless brother you'll get through this


Hope you feel better soon!


Honestly this came out a lot sooner than I expected! You’re busting your ass and it shows ❤️ life is hard, take your time, this first hour is amazing and I hope you get to feeling better soon


Hope you feel better soon!


Is it bad that I feel like the Gibby pilot is about just as bad as Sam & Cat? Nothing in it really phased me because this is literally how Nick was after 2012-2013 with all their shows


Oh no I watched more of the video and I got called out for hating Sam & Cat since I grew out of Nick


I’m so excited because unlike Victorious or Icarly I’ve never seen this show, so I’ll watch you 8 hour video with no intention of watching the actual show