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Hey guys, I just wanted to send out a big thank you message to all the new Patrons who just joined. I'll be honest, losing the latest video has been a blow. A big blow. The worst part is how the algorithm has immediately completely ditched the channel -- in the eyes of YouTube I haven't posted in three months, so I don't deserve the traffic. And what's even more frustrating is that Viacom is now sending secondary takedowns. What this means is that the wait as per when I can get my video back will continue to be pushed back as they continue doing this. At the moment, it's seeming November 15 is when the video will be back up.

So having you guys pledge really means the world. I only wish that I had set the Garfield goal to a higher number! I tried to design that one to be something that takes more than one plug to reach, I figured it'd be six months before we got to this point. But here we are.

I'm also trying to get an export of Victorious online, but that one also has been suffering from constant blocking by Viacom, so getting an edit that's not immediately taken down has been a challenge. And, I'll be honest, it does seem likely that I might be able to get this one out, only for it to again be taken down. But I'm trying to ignore that possibility so I can just keep working, so I can get this baby out.

The current edit is 2 hours, 23 minutes, and only covers season 1.

I do think I'll look forward to the day where I can move on to something a little more lenient copyright-wise. But I'm hoping that when this nightmare is over, people will circle back around and it'll all be worth it.



so sorry that the algorithm hasn't been as kind 2 you on this video :( good luck working evrything out!


you put so much effort into your videos dude, you deserve all the subs and patrons!! it’s bs that the algorithm is abandoning your channel rn


are there options for posting outside of youtube maybe? vimeo, etc 🤔


You just gotta breath it in to let it go Quinton.


That really sucks about the takedown. You've been working really hard and all of us who watch appreciate it. Hopefully things can get resolved, and I'll be looking forward to what you put out next.


upload it to pornhub, fuck it


Viacom is dumb, I haven't thought about any of their properties in 10 years, and you gave them 8 hours of free advertising. I wish YouTube wasn't dumb. I'm happy to stay subbed and pledged as long as it takes, your content is worth it! Hope you have a great day


Oh man I didn't get a chance to watch more than twenty minutes, but I pledged because I enjoyed the first one so much! I hope you can get it back up again sometime soon.

Jaye (or Gigi)

Omg I'm sorry your videos got nuked :( that sucks. you put a lot of work into these videos so I hope this gets resolved.


Quinton, you are always fighting to give us the best content thank you for keeping us fed. If you need to move other things to breathe please do


The good news is that the Patreon early-release, which is on the page rn, hasn't been hit yet. So you can still watch it here.


We support you. Fuck viacom


Please feel free to take your time on Garfield. We love your stuff, but there's no rush!


I wish your videos were getting more attention. They're all done so well! I hope we see the day when you can upload your great content without fear of copyright takedowns.


Did I hallucinate this or did you also do a a very long video about victorious? Did that get taken down too?

Ben.Co Inc

Got Dang it Viacom


if it’s taken down i’ll rip it from viacoms cold dead hands 😤


It's always so sad when a video like this is taken down by the copyright holders, because I'm sure this project has led a lot of people to watch iCarly again, or has gotten them interested in the new season.


I'm sorry about the video being taken down that really sucks. You did great work on Quinton! I'm glad I got to see it at the least and hope it goes back up soon. You're doing great work!


Love your work. Capitalism and conglomerates suck.


We appreciate all your work 😎 I’m very excited to hear your thoughts/ opinions about Bade (Beck and Jade’s relationship in Victorious). I absolutely love those two


i will kill viacom with my bare hands if i must

Prognostic Hannya

Could you upload the video to Vimeo or Dailymotion while we're waiting for Viacom to respond?


Me and my girlfriend got through our post-vaccine 2 day slump thanks to your 3 hour icarly epic, you did such a good job and put so much effort into your work, it was frankly really shitty to have the second part taken down by Viacom. So yeah, we be here now, enjoying part 2.


the early release edit is still public on patreon. so you can watch it there.

Coraline T

i obviously admire your work and want to see you grow! it sucks ass that youtube did this


Quinton, the amount of work that you put into your videos is extremely admirable and you don't deserve to be treated this way by Youtube. I'll pay you for MP4s of your content if I need to lol.


I was furious to hear that it was taken down, I love your content and I want to see more and want you to be able to be successful from it. If you can trickle out any shorter content and plug Patreon it may help when things like this, especially if you specifically call out what happened on YouTube. Also if the Patreon goal isn't high enough for the reward yet, just bump it higher. I'd rather not see you over-extend.


Really sorry that the vid got taken down :/ -- and really happy that I got a chance to watch it all before it did. It's a complete abuse of copyright law.


I 1000% agree. Bump the goal higher or just push the video further back. Personally I don't care when the videos come out; I know they'll be good when they do.

Rev Seo

If it helps, I got recommended to your channel via a video from three years ago, so Youtube will still recommend your older stuff if people are searching the topics. Might be worth looking into a secondary site, though. Still haven't checked up on Nebula, but Jacob Geller puts stuff there.


Your part 2 video was really fun!!! It was interesting seeing your analysis of a show that many people didn't take seriously, especially since your feelings for the show seem to have changed throughout it. I keep on finding random friends of mine who are new fans of yours, so I think the work is still viable, you just gotta find legal loopholes.


New patron here-- this is exactly why I joined as a patron, to be able to access this stuff no matter what. It must feel like such a kick in the nuts with all the setbacks lately (FedEx, Viacom), but remember that nothing can take away the skills and experience you are getting from this project. I don't think there's anyone out there doing this kind of thing at this scale and level of quality, and you should be very proud of that. I know you will work out a way to get the tangible rewards you deserve for your hard work, but at least take it from someone who watches both the icarly videos daily -- this project is something truly awesome and appreciated by your viewers. Btw my favorite part so far is the Sam You're Jewish thing. Really perfect delivery dude, gets me every time.


New patreon here too, I had already watched the vid before it was taken down but really wanted to support you more now than ever seeing how shitty this situation is. As always your content is fantastic, hope you’re getting through this ok!!


In the same boat as Lexi, luckily had the opportunity to watch the iCarly video before it was downed (and I have a VPN should I ever decide to watch it again), but given Viacom screwing you over so hard, I thought it was only fair a chip in in what way I could to help offset the impact. Hopefully they get off your ass sooner rather than later, Quinton! I'll be around in the meantime, and after, for as long as I'm able.


I really don't understand copy right laws, i thought using footage in a video for the purpose of a review fell under fair use

Brittney With An E

That is really frustrating, I really loved watching the videos and I was glad it was still up in Canada at least for me and my friends to be able to finish it ): I hope you can get the victorious one in a publishable state, viacom is a VERY frustrating company.


Viacom doesn't care unfortunately. Seems like it's been this way for quite some time too.


Are there any alternative sites you can upload to for Patrons?


So is the video back?


I don't know what is involved with getting onto Nebula, but you'd fit in well there and it's a good backup for exactly this kind of situation


It looks like it's back up now? Good? E: Just read the tweet, awesome.


Just a thought, but I know some YouTubers I follow have taken to having a Vimeo account to post the stuff that YT takes issue with. Unfortunately I don't know what level of hassle is involved so I cant' say for sure whether it would be a reasonable workaround, and doesn't necessarily help with the algorithm


Yeah Viacom sucks with copyright. Also, a question: Will you be making videos to cover every season or just season 1 of Victorious? Either would be great but I'm just curious.


I watched it as soon as it dropped unlisted, so this is the first I'm hearing about all this. I'm really sorry copyright bullshit and shitty companies is doing this to you, I know how demoralizing losing your work can be, but fighting to make it fit the everchanging hole that is the 'accepted' YouTube video list is a hell I've never experienced. Just know you have hundreds of people rooting for you, who support YOU and your passions.


Congrats on the video going back up!