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Well, a day and a half i guess

I'm electing not to post this tomorrow, for obvious reasons. So until then, this is my complete, 100% edit of iCarly part 2. It sets up a lot for the rest of the project. I'd love y'alls vibes and support here, this has been a lot of work.


The End of iCarly 9 10 edit



Oh hell yeah. I'm getting my oil changed tomorrow and need something to occupy my time during


Hell yeah I've been waiting for this.




i stan

Rev Seo

there go my plans for tomorrow


I was hoping to see this posted today! c:


So excited! I also have not seen any of season 6 despite having seen basically every other episode so I'm extremely intrigued


I honestly didn't expect to watch 8 hours of some guy talking about iCarly and actually love it, thanks.



Parker Nisbett

crazy hyped for victorious and sam & cat


i love your sense of humor so much


This series has gotten me through gnarly hangovers, “returns to work” depression, and most recently a broken foot! Thank you thank you thank you, so appreciative of everything you put into it!!


I had the icarly mcdonalds toy with the 2 buttons. I think one was cheering and one was booing like sams sound remote.


Just finished it, it was awesome!! 10/10 recommend


Please get enough sleep.


Superb video.


I have never watched an episode of iCarly but was absolutely fascinated by your series on it.


I just finished watching this on YouTube and MAN! You have me so invested in this series. I like to watch it while I draw. I'm really excited for the Victorious episode and all future installments. You're doing an awesome job Quinton!


absolutely amazing video man !!! you put so much work into that and it shows !! so happy for you that it’s finally out


Somehow just as good as the first installment! I never really watched victorious as a kid, but you better believe I'm gearing up to get majorly invested as long as you're bringing this kind of energy

David Portnov

This was an excellent watch. I realized while watching that I stopped watching iCarly around the end of Season 3 because all of this material was brand new to me. I haven't seen Victorious either, so that deep dive will be fascinating.


My wife and I were busy when this was uploaded so we were just watching it on Youtube. The video got taken down with only 15 min left, so we came here to finish the video. Watching you do this is like watching a shark at an aquarium from behind the glass, while the shark rips and tears at their dinner. I'm so glad I'm not the dinner and you're the dinner. Can't wait for the next episode, I hope you are doing good


So sad that the video got taken down on YouTube! I was waiting to watch it because I wanted to be less stressed and I wanted to enjoy it fully. However I can't complain, it's nice to be here on your patreon mr reviews


joined the Patreon cause it got taken down, staying cause I love you Quinton


Just finishing the video and it's honestly brought me so much joy over the past few days. I'm so sorry Viacom is messing with you, and I can't wait for the Victorious episode!!


I could not be more excited for your upcoming videos! I mean, I've already dedicated nearly 9 hours of my life to this mini-series lol. Keep doing what you're doing!!


Joined Patreon just for you buddy. Thanks for the content and ily <3


This was totally the push I needed to join this patreon. Thank you for making great content!


I hope Viacom execs are having a wildly inconvenient night tonight.

Grimp Gromp

Bummer about the viacom deal, hope it gets resolved at some point here


glad to be here, glad to be supporting you, fuck viacom


I, too, joined the Patreon for this. My partner and I love your vids, your style, and your chill, welcoming vibes. :)

Anna Navarrete

Yesss! I became a patron because this video got taken down! Happy to be guaranteed your content from now on. 😊


Even though I watched it before it was taken down by Viacom I still felt like I had to support the patreon just so I could have access


Same, this was the push I needed to join.


Quinton, I do not often use this word but you are awesome. I absolutely loved the first iCarly video (and how seeing such an absurdly long video on iCarly literally compelled me to watch it) and the follow up did not disappoint. In fact, I told my best friend about it and I'll probably go back and watch through both videos again with her and I'm not mad about it. I'm so sorry about the issues you've been having with the video but I know myself and many others really love this series and appreciate all of the work you have put into it. Looking forward to seeing more from you! :)


Congratulations man, another fantastic video

Stuart Ashen

Superb work - entertaining recaps and intelligent analysis. Having no prior iCarly iKnowledge I've found this whole iThing absolutely iFascinating.


Great job Quinton! Very excited to for you in finishing this part of the project. Can't wait to see the Victorious analysis. I personally prefer it to iCarly, but to each their own! Thank you for all your hard work, and I really enjoy your content


so sad that this got taken down but so happy i can still watch it >:)


This made me subscribe and god was it worth it, superb video my dude . Take care


Thank you for doing this amazing work.


So sorry your video got taken down! But I’m very happy I subscribed to watch it is very worth it


A dollar is the least I could do to support the work you put into this video. Viacom is a hellish, unrelenting force of evil. Absolutely asinine that they'd shoot down what is probably the easiest and freest form of publicity they could have hoped for their dumb reboot. I literally had no idea it existed until I watched your first video. I'm so sorry my dude.


I subbed to your patreon just to watch this bc i missed it before it got blocked i’m my country! sounds like i’m not the only one! tbh I have been meaning to support this channel for a while now so it was the push I needed.

None None

Eh, it's only a buck and it was a good way to kill a few hours. Might as well stay subscribed until I have a reason not to. For a random bit of trivia, I've never seen PlutoTV air season 1 or 2 of the show. Then I found out Netflix only has the first two seasons. I wonder if Netflix' contract is somehow interfering with those seasons appearing on PlutoTv


I'd seen your first video recommended to me for weeks and I had been waiting for the right moment to watch it, which happened to be this morning. Which was right in time to miss this one lol. Hope you get it back up at some point, but until then I am excited to watch it here. I am actually around the same age as you, but I hated iCarly as a kid so its been a fun adventure.


I was in the midst of watching this when it got taken down. I had to finish it, and a dollar minimum is 100% worth such amazing content. Can't wait for part 3!


I'm loving the seemingly never ending iCarly saga! I was super bummed when I finally got through the first two hours, then came home from work and it was blocked by Viacom. Sucks that that was the reason I finally subbed to your Patreon, but I plan on staying indefinitely :)


This was so good and incapacitated so many of my feelings from when I binged the show a few months ago. So excited for victorious, u honestly like victorious more than I Carly bc it feels like it’s pretty good to the end, compared to icarly. But I’m very excited for all the reviews to come!!


Conspiracy: Quinton reached out to viacom to DMCA him in order to push more people to pay for his content. Well...it worked on me you slimy bastard. Take my dollar, in fact take it next month too.

Coraline T

for some reason when you go to the one direction part i thought the disease would spread by zayn kissing the other band members


at 2:15:53, you can see Freddie is wearing the chunky shoes that he had to wear in season 1 when he was shorter than Miranda and Jeanette!


It worked so hard that I, an almost 40-year old man who has never seen a single episode of iCarly, am now paying a YouTuber money to see the rest of his analysis on the subject.


Glad to see this, great video!


Thank you so much for this video!! I’ve been feeling really stressed and watching this as I’m playing games on my switch has been great at making me feel better. Thank you!


Hope this one can end up on YouTube again! A lot of work clearly went in here, and you deserve for everybody to see this


I haven't finished the video yet and idk if it's been mentioned before, but the camera is all fucked up and sticky because of devulkanization, a natural process where certain plastics return to their liquid state over time.


I found you through the first part and have seen a wide variety of your videos since! I love longer content so much so I've seen the first about five or six times. I've only seen this part twice but I expect to become half the views soon! I'm very excited for all your future videos :)


Isn't Devulkanization when Eric Bana blew up the Vulcan homeworld? That was terrible joke, I'll see myself out.