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thought I'd hit you guys up with a quick update or two about where we are right now.

First off, I know that I promised a Q&A thing a couple of weeks back, but iCarly is so fully into production that I haven't had time. I figure most people agree that getting iCarly out sooner rather than later is worth pushing that Q&A vid back for.

Speaking of which, I am excited to say that we are REALLY into this now! I have about half of the video written, and more than an hour of it is now being edited (with most of what's left there being visuals). But I don't want to post any preview here until I can officially say something like "the first hour of iCarly, 100% done!" But we're close to pulling that off.

It's really difficult juggling recording more of the script, writing more of the script, and watching more of the show to then write into the script. But I feel pretty confident that if I keep up the pace that I have, I should be able to get this first video out before June 17!!!

Also, the Fred video is coming along really well. For those of you out of the loop, my video on Fred will come out just before iCarly, almost as an "episode 0" for the mini-series. I think I've done a really good job pulling it all together, and I'm kind of leaving the project having convinced myself that Fred is actually great and interesting. So hopefully that's how the video will come across!

Thanks for sticking with me during the wait guys. I know that iCarly is approaching fast, and I'm doing everything I can to get as much of this out before then as I can. I'll see you guys soon with some official previews!



Welp, I meant to schedule this for monday. Oh well.