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Okay, so this is a *skeleton edit* of the first 90 minutes of the iCarly video. What that means is that I have 100% or nearly 100% of the audio, but the visuals are barely started for the most part. So if you see a segment that's all black over audio, that's not an accident! We just haven't finished that part yet. But I just wanted to show how much of this bridge we've managed to cross.

I believe that with proper effort, I could easily have this video finished by June 10.


iCarly, first 90 minutes, test edit 5 22



You got this 😩😩💞You can’t rush art


I like how I can "watch" this without actually having to watch it, because it works well with my vivid imagination as a podcast type video


That was fantastic, very excited for the full edit and more related content. Take your time <3


So excited for this as an extended project, keep up th amazing work!!


100% of nearly 100%? All i can think of is Sex Panther now, 60% of the time it works every time.


absolutely loved this/really excited to see more in this series in the future! i just wanted 2 say i had the exact same feeling tryna watch it once it went on netflix, it made me feel gross & uneasy in a way i hadn't remembered (i couldn't even get through more than a few episodes, so congrats & thank u 4 doing what i'm much 2 weak 2 do)... love the comparison of it 2 iasip & love the "twink screen" joke my understanding / "theory" of how they afforded the apartment always came down 2 their father paying 2 support them w/ his salary