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So today we have something special to look at. This is the first hour we have completed on the "remake edit." Dad has been going through and rewriting+rerecording the non-public domain reviews of The Beverly Hillbillies. The editing style is what I came up with to hopefully guarantee that Paramount won't shit their pants when I post the video again. Would it stand up in court? I don't know, but I do think it's limited in use to the point that Paramount would look quite bad to go after us for this.

The question is - does everyone think it's watchable? I'm tempted to say that this works better than the original edit because it's (on average) about 2 minutes faster per episode. If this goes over well, I might make this my style when I talk about Doctor Who one day.


1963B Podcast edit part 1


Melon Bread

This is watchable, though I am not sure if that is my brain filling in the gaps from watching the original show . I really prefer the old style, but for obvious reasons I get why we can not stick with that. I know we can not have a lot but I really do feel the lack of audio clips kinda take away from the whole thing. I am not sure where the balance is in terms of what you are allowed to do, but no audio kinda takes away from a lot of the jokes and magic that was there with the media being presented & the commentary coming from "Quintion's Dad". i will say no matter I do appreciate all of the effort that went into this video, the original video is no joke my all time favorite video on all of YouTube

Micah Rutrough

I think this works well. It would be nice to have occasional illustrative interjections of the original show, a la the nick saga, but I get wanting to err on the side of Not having to fight paramount with a baseball bat