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.. I think you guys just wanna see more symbiote(ladie)s. xd

Lemme tell ya, at first, it seemed like the symbiote will win. Then as time went on, the Female Xenomorph took the lead. I even worked in advance, and did the top3 chart pic totally ready to be saved out as an image file. Then in the last day, someone changed the results... and I had to go back and edit my pic. x'd

Here are the results for the 11th round:

  • We got Hunk (from Resident Evil) step onto the 3rd place (thanks to some character shifting on the last day) with 1 vote.
  • Celty Sturluson (from Durarara) got 3 votes and got to the 2nd place.
  • And the First place got two champions: Misery (Liz Allan) and a Female Xenomorph, both received 5-5 votes! ๐Ÿ† ๐Ÿ†

Anyways, you guys voted well, cuz I was planning to make sketches of these 2 characters for this round. Also this is the 2nd time 2 characters have won in this event (the first was Plague Doctor and the half-life Assassin lady), which was also, technically the first round last year. What a coincidence, ey?

About the Misery pic:

- This was the first I did and it took around 2-3 hours.
- My pen pressure wasn't working, so I couldn't make sharp edged lines, I took this opportunity to make one of those old sketches I've done in the past again, or something similar.
- I managed to find some good, almost full body references of the character. I used those for checking the pattern details, and I copied the look of the teeth from a more realistic styled cover art of her. I didn't like how her teeth is drawn in official comic artwork tbh, for me it looks like she has spikey mustache and cuz of the teeth pointing sideways at the top. So in my case, I changed that detail.
- I'm not really proud how her body looks, but also didn't tried to keep fixing it, because after all, this is supposed to be a sketch that already got more colour than it should have in the first place.
- I did enjoy colouring this. Maybe I can even state that; finally, there's a pic where the colour "purple" or it's variants is not dominant. xd (Personally, I like to have a wide variety in my arts even if that's in colour related terms. ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐ŸคŒ)

About the Female Xenomorph pic:

- For this I used a reference pic I saved up with a tag "Saryn" to it. I kinda created a little comic in my head while seeing this again, if I won't forget it, I might be able to show it off too... But anyways, I thought this would be a good pic for showing off a female Xenomorph this time.

- The design for this is like a mix of 3 characters. I was looking at 2 fanarts and at the 3D model in SFM. I also tried to add my design detail ideas too. While working on this, I realised there are some similarities design-wise to Saryn. Wonder if that warframe had any inspiration from it..
- I was watching a lot of Bob Ross streams over twitch lately, and he kept emphasizing how good a black canvas can be for paintings (then obviously, proving his point). I thought I should give it a try once. Then a few days ago I saw a character pin-up fanart with pure black background aswell. So in conclusion: these influenced me to do the same here. Altho it is pretty fitting for the scene aswell.
- I imagined the Xenomorph would have a layer of steam on the glass in front of her mouth, which she'd also be kissing with her little mouth. This idea got scrapped, cuz there's not much space to show that off well. Instead I left out the little mouth completely and drew a little lipstick mark next to her head on the glass.
- I tried multiple nipple variations for this, but couldn't really make it alien-like as I wanted to. I think I'll leave that part out when publishing this sketch. The last 2 files in this post are those test sketches.
- What's happening here: If it's not clear, there's a glass between the viewer and this Xenomorph. The Xenomorph scratched the glass with both hands, pressed against the glass and blow a kiss onto the viewer on the otherside. That last detail might be too small to notice, but it's still there to be seen.
-If you find certain parts of the design too gross, that was exactly my point to make it so. After all, Xenomorphs were born from nightmares of the very Creator himself, a creature that's from a horror franchise.... It's another thing that some people still find it hot.. xd
Example of trying the design horrific: at first I intended to look at some pictures of the innards of the human body and would copy some part from that into the design, especially for the stomach part. But in the end, I somehow came up with that different look that's almost opened in the middle and I found it looking good.
- Her fingers might be too long, I didn't bother to go back to it after sketching it up. I think it's not that bothering, no? ... There's plenty of other things to look at on the pic, anyways.

The Top3 picture was done entirely with a mouse, and it has a tiny amongus character on the right side of the podium.
I really enjoyed making these winning sketches. Liked to play with the colours.

Thank you everyone who have participated in round 11! I hope you like the results. ๐Ÿ˜Œ
Looking forward to your duo-ideas for the next event, I'm curious how that'll go. :)c
Cheers! ๐Ÿน




They look so dangerousโ€ฆ But oh so enticingโ€ฆ

Apathy Gremlin

You did an incredible job with the xenomorph, she looks so good


I'm really fond of those pretty green colours myself. I like the picture itself too, but those greens, they are really pretty there. I'm glad you like it too, Thank you btw! c: