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Hello there ya lovely sinners! 😊

It's time for a lovely dovey sweet and pink Sketch of the Month nomination segment! 🌷

This time we're gonna embrace another tradition of the consuming society's that's pushing it's agenda onto people to keep buying things for the sake of something-something-just-buy-it. That's right, I'm talking about Valentine's Day. 💘
So for this occasion you can nominate your favourite duo, two characters onto the voting list and sinners in Tier2 and above will decide who are the best to win the 12th round. The two characters can be your two favourites, no need for them to have any kind of relationship. I might just draw the winners next to each other, looking cool side by side, doing some activities together (holding hands? 😳) or maybe go further into a specific theme, who knows..

But for now, let's go through the rules and steps:

  • Sketches for this will feature adult looking characters (unless a plushie character wins, idk).
  • Final results will be in my style which's either gonna be close to the original art design or not.
  • Theme can be either sfw or nsfw. If the characters are related or have other kind of relationship, it's gonna be a sfw piece, obviously. If carried away, the sketch might become a full art piece too.
  • Depending on my time, mood and the stars' alignment, I might pick and sketch a nominee from the list regardless of the number of votes they've received. This extra sketch will be labeled as the "Artist's pick".
  • There's a chance I won't be able to finish the winner's sketch in the same month and it'll be delayed for a later reveal. This hasn't happened yet, but I'm mentioning it cuz anything can happen.

The Steps:

1) Everyone can nominate TWO characters for this event! 💞

  • Their name is enough, specifying where they're from and what outfit they should wear helps with my preparation (otherwise I'll choose depending what I see via google image search).
  • If you mention more than two characters, you're automatically giving me the option to choose which one gets onto the list.
  • If you mention only one character, I might draw an Anon(?) or a random character with them.(?)
  • No OCs unless they are mine.
  • If there's not enough nominees, I'll throw a random character duo in.
    Previous round's characters cannot be nominated! (so no to: Misery symbiote, Celty Sturluson, Dagath, Hunk.)
  • If someone mentions a character I won't be touching for whatever reasons, I'll let em know to choose someone else.

2) Voting poll #1 will be up for Tier 2 and Tier 3 patrons!

  • Tier2 and 3 patrons can vote once on the nominees for 3-5 days. A character showcasing table will be present in the post for visual help.

3) Voting poll #2 will be available at the same time for Tier 3 patrons!

  • These patrons can vote for a second time for the same duration. Either they'll support the same nominee duo or vote on a different. Their vote can very much change the results of the event.

4) The duo with the most overall votes will be the winner for the round and gets a sketch from me, as well as gets onto the top of the top3 podium pic.
If there's more than one winner I might need to make a new poll to decide on the winner (or sketch em both, who knows?).

- Nominations are open until the 8th of February! 💝
- After that, I'll change the post's title accordingly and no new nominees will be accepted!
- The winner will be decided by Tier 2 and Tier 3 patrons who can vote in the polls until the 12th of February.

This's gonna be a first time for such twist in this patron community chosing series. I'm curious how you guys are gonna shape it. It's okay if you only write one character too, we can sort that out aswell somehow. 🌹

Thanks for participating! ✨💐

The nomination period has ended at: 2024.02.08.
Thank you for the nominations!



Wouldn’t mind two female assassins from Half Life


Wrex and Tali? :couldbe: