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Here's the wip gif I've managed to put together from the screenshots I took while working on this drawing. According to the screenshots, when I switched over to colouring, I've spent an additional +4 hours on this before I called it finished. Out of that 4 hours, 1 was spent streaming the workflow... so the rest was about trying, fixing, checking, searching and so on.. x'd

I also wanted to show off how the drawing looks like without the strong blue-ish highlights, but forgot to include that in the basic post, so I decided to make that as a higher tiered alternative exclusive. So this is how it would look like with less details... aka closer to being a sketch. xd
So there are 3 pictures: one without the light layers, one with only the blue light layer and one with thin light touches (the most noticable change in this one can be seen on the lenses/eyes).

This drawing was based on an irl photo I found in my reference folder.
I also used a drawing I've found via google images for her suit reference. That had some lines around her hips, I liked that idea so I included on my version aswell. Also to make her more unique looking, I tried to make her eyes similar to the Spiderverse Spiderman's lenses. Well, basically I just made her lenses' frame thicker. Not too thick, but significant enough, cuz if I'm gonna draw my regular spiderman, I don't plan to thicken his eyes. Just like I don't do that with my SpiderGwen's design.
This is the reference pic I mostly looked at while working on her suit:

Also, funny thing, but while checking her suit, getting ready to copy it, I realised Mayday's spider symbol is almost the same as how I designed my FemVenom's spider symbol. As in the first 2 pair of legs are above the breasts and the rest 2 pairs are below and the whole body of the spider is in the middle of the chest/between the tits. Was funny to notice such detail.


1 - wip gif
2 - alt - no light layers
3 - alt - only blue light layer
4 - alt - only thin light layer



Nice, big, firm, and fluffy. Those some amazing pillows.


Oh wow I must've just missed the very beginning of that stream cause I don't remember seeing the second slide of the w.i.p. where Mayday has the temporary red lenses, that's actually a good look tbh (this is where I'd include the :could be: and :unf: emote 😂)


I loved that look too!! xD Made me stop like "this's actually good.. huh..." ✨👀 :woot: xd But yes, I started the stream at the first frame where there's no colours at all. I added the web pattern live too.