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At first the character was facing in the opposite direction, then I found it better looking when I turned her over. This happened while I was working on her hair, the shapes just looked better this way.

The additional, last 3 pictures were inside my WIP file, they were taken while I was playing around with the layers of the picture, and tbh, maybe I should have stayed with these.. xd
It definitely gives off a more sketchy style that would have fit more the theme. In the end it came out looking more pro than these. Ohwell, maybe next time I can hold myself back.

- The 2nd pic is how Scream looks like with a white lined mouth. I guess I'll use the white colour when she actually opens her mouth.
- The last pic is when I didn't use layer effects on the lineart layer, so the lines there don't give that strong contrast in the pic than the previous 2 pics (the lines there are darker over her darker pattern spots).


1 - wip gif
2 - with white lined mouth
3 - sketchier wip
4 - a cleaner sketch with plain yellow bg



Scream is the perfect Symbiote woman