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This character was the chosen one as the "Artist's Pick" in the latest, 4th Sketch of the Month event. The result post can be checked out: here.

Scream was mentioned to me a few times and already read that some would like to commission me featuring her. I thought this could be an opportunity to study her design and draw her for the very first time, so I'd have some kind of reference of her in my style when it's time to draw her again in a more serious way.

I was scrolling through the pics of Google Images while working on her, mostly used two pictures as references:

I was also checking a toy for her patterns, but mostly checked the 2nd pic above for that. I feel like I'm gonna be in a bit of a trouble when I'll need to draw her legs or back part, cuz I have not seen any reference for that.. xd

- While sketching up her body figure, at first I made her too thick and busty. Easily could have been FemVenom with that shape, so I tried to make her thinner and gave her a smaller set of tits. I think I should have gone even slimmer for her, but for the first try, it's okay.
- I might have given her too strong abs tho, or weirdly shaped. I didn't check references for that part.
- And somehow, there was one thing I wanted to add on her for sure, is a small belly. It might not be that significant even with the shading, but it still made me smile when I saw the results. xd
- It was fun to play around with her hair, altho it took time to form a basic shape to it. Now it's like everywhere. I read she uses her hair as tentacles and she can move em around aswell by will, so I guess it's okay like this.

- I didn't colour her mouth in white on purpose, cuz it looks off if I do. Also she has her mouth shut anyways.
- It was interesting to see her getting all her (more or less) proper colours together. Idk if these colours are what she officially has tho. Cuz even the 2 reference pics above have differences (like one has black on her body, the other is more reddish).
The last shared pic in the line, the 9th pic is an example of her having some different colours on her. I somehow like to use the colour that's between green and yellow, an ugly greenish colour, if you will. Altho I quickly changed it on her, but put that alt up as a showcase here. I might be able to use such colour in a later style, tho.. who knows.

Finding the right background for her was a challenge that delayed her finishing date. All the alts above is basically trying to find the right one. xd I think I'll go with the first drawing, when it's time to publish this piece.

All in all, it was nice to work on this. :3c
Hope you guys like it too!


1 - gray bg with white outline
2 - gray bg without outline
3 - full gray bg
4 - white bg
5 - yellow bg with bright outline
6 - yellow bg with dark outline
7 - blue-ish bg
8 - torquoise-ish bg
9 - a bit greenish Scream



She has thighs (;P)


You definitely did Best Girl justice here, beautiful work. And the closed mouth was a good call, don't get to see that often with Scream and it looks cute.


I'm glad you liked this old art and post so much that it deserved a comment from you, Thank you! c': And yes, as far as I've noticed, symbiotes with black colours on the head are usually portrayed with an opened mouth (like Carnage for example). In my case, the lineart was darker than the filling colour, so the mouth's more visible while it's shut.