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I've finally did it.
I mean-

Lemme explain myself first;
Around 2022 December, I held my very first Sketch of the Month opening, which got 5 nominations all together during it's runtime. I liked the lil sketches I was making randomly and thought I could continue it by making such event. Plus, it would be a chance for other character to be sketched under my hand. SO because this was the very first time I did something like this, I thought to celebrate it well, I'd draw all candidates as a Thank You for everyone who participated in lining up the competitors for the poll. 5 characters doesn't sound that much, right? ..... right?💦

Better late than never, I've sketched 'em all and I didn't want to ruin the surprise by telling you guys about this (I was also afraid of my own personality, as in I might have not made it cuz it got spoiled prior).
After finishing each drawing, I wrote a post about it so the experience around that project would be written down freshly. After this post, prepare to get 6 posts describing each artwork with alternative looks (4 normal post, and 2 wipgifs for tier2 and tier3 patrons). I scheduled the posts so you can look back for more writtings instead of getting long essays all of a sudden.

I started working on the poll's winner back in December, but cuz of my fear of drawing hands, I avoided the project. Avoided So much that I finished my Wisp drawing first in January (thus, she is the very first drawing I did in 2023 xd). But I couldn't have shared that just yet, so I went back to finish the Valkyr sketch and made a lil showcase of the competition's result which I very much enjoyed making (I was aiming for a simple, derp look with that infographic, but somehow I really do love how it came out). So late, but I managed to make the poll's winner with a 1 month delay. But I didn't want to abandon my original plan, so as time went on, I was busy with the other characters. I was looking up pose references, gathering content of the characters for help with the design details, and their picture's "story" kept changing along the way of the creation.
A week later, I finished FemGhost as the 3rd sketch in the line, 5 days later Warmonger got a place to seat down, and last but not least Black Spidey got his own sketch 3 days later.

One funny thing to notice with this whole sketch-package is that only Valkyr was a character that I've worked on and had drawn before. All other 4 was a first-timer. Eventho I might have not started some of em with much interest or held fear of the quality of the outcome, I've ended up liking the process of creation. Whether it was when I saw the details I've worked on or was in the colouring stage, I did enjoy this and overall satisfied with the results, even if I was not at the begining (with time, I've changed my mind on my previous doubts and dislikes like; "this ain't looking that bad, but it's actually nice").
BUT this was definitely too much to take on in one set for me. This was a one-time-only event. So further on, I truly just can make one sketch for future Sketch of the Month polls.

I very much would like to Thank All patrons who have voted in the comments and polls! These sketches were made thanks to Your pariticpations!☝️✨

As an expression of my gratitude, I wrote the nicknames of the voters' onto each character's picture as an extra variation (that only gonna be available here at patreon, so don't worry).
I can't wait to share these on my public sites soon! \o/✨

Stay tuned for the upcoming scheduled posts of the other 4 characters later this month! They have multiple variations of these final sketches to show!
Looking forward to what you guys gonna come up with and make a winner next time! >:3c

[PS: I most likely gonna make more of that "poll results" pic too xd ]

EDIT: Also, this was my 300. patreon post🎉🎈




Well aint this a nice surprise!


Holy shit thank you so much for the Black suit spidey, I feel so honored 👌🥰