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I have more than just a wip gif of this lil project to show. :>

Basically I used this pic as the base for the sketch then changed it to my liking:

I also looked at a SFM model for the details, especially on her legs, stomach pattern and arms... so almost everything. xd The SFM model's head uses the alternative helmet tho (the porter guy was whining about this, saying the default is ugly... while imo it's the otherway around), so for that I had to look elsewhere.
Google images helped me with the head part, still there's not much pics of this cool design. Mostly I looked at this one (from the wikipedia):

2nd pic listed in the post was made after in 2 hours of working on the character, I took that screenshot after filling up the whole character with one simple colour. I already liked it at this stage, and decided to go further, so 1 hour later, I added the colours I use on my wisp (well, on one loadout that is).

One part that was difficult for me with this is making a good background for it.
I wanted to change the pure white to something else, but any added colour would make the falling petals disappear in the front. So the last 7 pictures show the process and tries for a background.
On number 5, I discarded that idea cuz it looks like Wisp is floating closely next to a wall. Then the last 2 didn't make it cuz they were too colourful. Eventho I like the last one, since this basically wanted to be a sketch, I wanted to go for a simplier look, meaning I didn't want to have too much colour on the picture.
Thus in the final result, the oval form is closer to have a gray colour, not entirely tho, just the right amount of colour remained there, so the petals got highlighted nicely. The white background was needed for that same purpose (to make the petals pop-out more).

Lastly, when I literally was done with this drawing, it still needed to have a year written over it. But... I was kinda delaying to make that xd Then couldn't find/make/write the right "3" look I thought would be fitting for a year-signature to use for a whole year in 2023. Of course, I've made it in the end, but it still took it's time.


1 - wip gif
2 - the stage before the colouring
3 - with coloured background
4 - with coloured outline
5 - with coloured background and outline
6 - with white silhouette
7 - with dark silhouette
8 - with white background and slightly coloured oval in the back
9 - with white background and coloured oval in the back


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