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I wanted to make this comic project fast and in a not so serious style.
Obviously, for the 3rd panel, I wanted to make it look more pro, rather than meme-ish.

- First picture in the post is how I set up my workspace when I started working on the 3rd panel. As said before, I used SFM for the basic posing and I drew over it. I kept looking at screenshots of mine from the Open Beta to look for the details. Sadly in the game you cannot zoom in onto things, so I had to rely on normal view set. Luckily I've made multiple screenshots from different angles.
I also noticed one time Hornhead's shirt was clipping and showing off his shoulder and more of his torso. That moment was also good to see how his skintone is changing on his arms. For example, his shoulders aren't darkened at all, it's the same colour as his abs and torso.
I bet these skin colourisations are related to this "Cursed" thing in the game. Cuz the enemies you are facing are fully coloured with dark purple skintone. [EDIT: well, according to the official tweet, he is "Half-Cursed" so there's that: link to the tweet ]

Oh, back to talking of the project..
- As seen in the begining of the wipgif, I've made some rotations to the female character to make her pressed against Hornhead's body. Well, I didn't complitely made that pressing there, I didn't want to cover much details.
I kinda achieved the angle I wanted to make, altho the picture in my mind wasn't that clear, I only had some slight detail ideas for that, and it came out pretty well in the end overall, I think.

- SFM was used for the last panel aswell, I actually drew more details of the female, but cuz it was out of the picture, those parts are lost (otherwise, I should have drawn more of Hornhead too, cuz of the size difference). Said parts are visible in the last gif's last frame, where I've made it visible, out of the panel's crop. The last gif also shows how my other SFM posing helped me with creating the scene. I didn't pose much from the previous state, just rotated and placed the characters around. Also Mr X got more changings in position.

I'm not sure I achieved the expression I wanted to for Hornhead. It's close, but not sure if it's perfect for this situation.
I also thought the female's eyes would be covered fully by his hand, but in reality, things are different (and the 3D reference showed, it won't make it like that).. So then I thought I'd make her some >_< kind of eyes, but I actually didn't even try to make it in the end. Kept the normal look there..
I guess her hands are speaking more as in "she was just in the middle of something, why would ya interrupt her?" way, which tells more than she would through those glowing eyes. xd
I thought I'd add some steam lines around her hand, or heart or sparkles that were gained by touching the magic abs, but... on second thought, guess it's better it was left out. It would have been too much, over-crowded with details for such small space.

- The 3rd and 4th submission are showcasing how some background detailing can change the look of a pic. Since I used white colour for the dialogue in the first panel, then in the 2nd, I had to use it in the last one too, and to make it visible enough, some darker colour behind it was needed to make.
In the 3rd panel, the background's colours was an important factor for expressing that sudden moment; the lighter part guided the viewer's eye where the focus should be placed, as in what the female character is doing there.
The background's colours were also important in the 2nd panel, unlike in the first and last panel; the colours there are more smoother, there's less contrast. Altho this is more fit for the first panel, the 4th panel has a more varied background.. cuz I find joy making such nice spongey backgrounds.. xd

I really love the style I did for this comic, like how there are parts that are reaching outside of the panels (the horns, the shocking reaction lines in the 3rd panel). Also how the next panel is reaching into the previous as a way of continuation. It was fun to make it and play around with this comic.

I wanted to make and finish this comic fast, cuz I plan to make much more for this month.
This emoji contest just came around the corner for this new game and it has a short deadline, so I gotta make that fast before moving on.
After that, I wanna make some personal Fallout4 related drawing(s?) also before a certain date, which is next week Sunday. It's gonna be the anniversary that I've met a dear character of mine.... so expect some ghoul stuff.. :]c

So that's the plan... hopefully I can make it like that too.


Workspace when I started sketching the 3rd panel
wipgif of the 3rd panel
Last panel with one simple background colour
Last panel with final background look
SFM reference that helped with the last panel (also showcasing the un-cropped character drawings at the end)


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