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Ain't they cute together like this? This's almost like they're on a date night. xD

So, not long ago I was browsing twitter and saw one of those typical drawings where there's a dick in the middle of the pic and 2 females enjoying it. Sudden thought happened as; what if this was a perspective from a female? I don't remember seeing one before. Then I thought I could do this with Venom AND FemVenom to spice it up more??? Like, yea.. I don't think I've seen such a set up in irl footage nor as a drawing for sure. Especially when the lickers are not from the same sex.
I was planning to make a 3some with these characters under this project number, not this one specifically, but cuz it's the same casting, thought I'd put it here.

This drawing idea was also perfect to actually censor everything out with the tongues, so in that manner, it wasn't that hard. xd
Altho I was worrying about the proportions. It's more or less came out well in that case.

After checking references and finishing the sketching phrase, I thought I could make this drawing in ClipStudio Paint to practise in that program. So I did (the red one), and I still say PaintTool SAI is more simple and easier for me. Altho this program has it's advantages too (but still misses some basic things, that SAI has). I had fun making this there. Tried out and fooled around with lotsa brushes while having this on my canvas.... yes, I'm talking of the one with the BIG HEARTS and the MORE SPARKLES version... xd

While working on the lineart in ClipStudio Paint, I decided I want to make this in SAI aswell. So I went back to the saved file that I've switched over from, that still had lotsa layers with sketches.
I had some troubles cuz as I kept checking the CSP version, that came out nicely imo, that made me feel down at first, cuz the version at SAI was not quite like on the same quality lvl. I also made the little mistake that I used a pencil brush for the lineart, so it doesn't have those nice thicker lines at certain parts like the CSP version. (I was thinking going through it again, re-doing it, but didn't do that in the end.)
Then the next part made me abandon the project for a few days; I couldn't shade it well. I was also hesitating if I'd wanna make it red/pinkish like the first version or keep the blue lights. After getting the hang of it, I've managed to adjust the colours just right for making it blue and nice.
Obviously I've also spent more time in SAI than in CSP. I've added my little hearts in the SAI version, also coloured some linearts, added textures onto the characters, suffered while trying to make the saliva look right (somehow that was easier in CSP? or maybe I wasn't giving that much thought there) and the background came out sweet here. I was kinda inspired by one of my older drawings, tried to make it like that, altho only that small background got to be similar.

Even in the sketch phrase, I had a problem with Venom's head, somehow I don't feel it looks right and couldn't make it so, so I decided I'll crop the whole pic for the public version, but still kept it on full while working on it. Unless I change my mind, the full version is going to be a patreon exclusive, as well as all the other alternatives;
- I've made a version that looks like it's framed, but it shows what got cut from the full pic.
- Then almost every version has a gray variation. I tried that out while working in CSP. (I also had a thought like, maybe if I get into the comic making seriously, the gray variants are gonna be public and the coloured versions patreon exclusive. It was just a sudden thought.)
- After this, I also made the SAI version gray, and guess with more details, it looks better in gray too.
- Then I also tried what if I hide the top part of the canvas with some blur effect, so that's how that other SAI alts were made (I don't like it that much, but I show it anyways).

AAAAAnd this is how the very last 2 sketches were born:

So yea, this's gonna be the teaser pic; The 2nd version with the added FemVenom and Venom chibi heads.

And just to talk about what's happening on the pic:

- Venom and Meg are enjoying some tasty dessert time. FemVenom's busy with the clit (she kinda censores the whole thing) rubbing it with her folded tongue atm (I hope I've made that right xd).
- And Venom is aiming to stuff the vagina with his. I tried to make it like at the part of his tongue when it's bent a bit, there's more saliva and pussy juice cuz of the thrusts (but I think I've managed to highlight that right only with the CSP version).
- Both of them rest a hand onto the nearest thigh. Gwen's calf is visible on the right side as it's behind FemVenom's head.
- Venom also made a bitemark on his part of the thigh.
- The SAI version has multiple little hearts not only at the middle top part of the pic but also: 1 at the left side in Venom's stream cloud, 1 on Venom's tongue, 2 in the middle between the two characters, 1 next to FemVenom's thumb and another one above her hand.
I went crazy with these lil hearts and didn't want to delete em, so I had to spread em around.. xd (sad that they cut off in the croped version tho.. :'/ )

...come to think of it I didn't even make any shakelines.. damn. Guess I would have if I hadn't had this much time dedicated to this one pic (and got a bit tired of it). Maybe.

I like both drawings btw, they all have some little details that makes me like em more than the other.
I'm not quite satisfied with the saliva in the sai version tho, but maybe I'll get to like it later.
Probably the most important thing that I've learnt from this whole drawing session, is to work on a drawing while seeing it fully. I kept zooming in while working on the SAI version and maybe that's why I was disliking it at the begining. While in CSP, I saw the whole canvas when working on the lineart and maybe that's why it came out nicely (... altho... that program did remember my shakey/tryhard hands.. it wasn't that nice in smoothing out my lines.. xd)

Also a funny lil achievement: this is the 100th post with the "done" tag here at Patreon.

All the drawings have captions to be able to distinguish em.
Hope you guys like these!
Cheers 🥂💦



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