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While working on the design I was checking out google images to check-up on the details.
This picture caught my attention mostly (and the very first concept design, of course). I took the idea of having some holes in the front of the hood from this same picture btw, and tried to make a collar piece in the front, based on this drawing too.
Altho it's still a bit unclear for me how her lil jacket is connects correctly in the front, so I made that part up (or maybe I was right, idk).

I started to work on this sketch with a coloured background, cuz at the begining I had some weird headache/sickness when I was looking down onto my digital drawing tablet. After changing the canvas from pure white, I guess it was more calming for my eyes too. Then my mind got so busy that I assume it didn't have time to feel bad. xd

In the gif, when the white background appears, it shows WHITE lighted parts on the figure. The next changing step is that it becomes BLUE (and also the light on the thigh has an additional line onto it, so it's bigger there). Then in the last step the character gets a platform so she's "sitting on something", her black colour is darker, and I gave her a thicker outline like I did with all the previous character sketches in this set. Also some other lineart parts got strenghtened so there's some kind of depth to the picture within all the sketchy mess.

Thanks to some layer effects on the linearts, it looks more sketchy and messy than it is without em. B)



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