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I got a bit angry cuz of irl things, so to make my mind busy, I thought I'd work on something instead of gaming. So whoever wanted me to draw FemVenom again, I got good news for 'em. xd

At first, I fixed that laying Venom drawing I did when I started this project #96. I've mentioned I didn't like how long his little finger was that's closer to his head and is visible around his palm part. So I shortened that and made his eyes coloured in one colour too, instead having it multiple shades (barely noticable detail, but still, I had to fix that too). So I re-uploaded those 2 pictures where that drawing is shown, seen as the last 2 submissions in this post.

Then I tried to choose a pose from my reference folder. At first I wanted to draw my kinkbiote, but then I remembered how detailed her pattern is, then went "nah" instead.
Then after 4-5 failed sketch attempts, I continued that bust sketch I had of FemVenom drawn at first, cuz I liked how her head looked. I don't really like the rest tbh. Gotta practise drawing titties, I guess. (and anatomy in general)
Then after a few more failed sketches, I finally got to that full-body one. I had a difficult time how her head would look like from an angle under and while her mouth is opened, I even tried to use SFM for help. Then I thought I'd make her mouth shut. Then after a  try, I managed to make it work as I wanted.. kinda.
So yea, I'm not that satisfied how these came out, but they ain't that bad either. Had to check my FemVenom drawings at newgrounds to see how I made her pattern too.... also I think her thighs are just too thick here, but ohwell... xd The reference I used had a modell with some thunder thighs, I actually had to shrinken it somehow. Then again, guess people won't mind..
I didn't give much thoughts about how her feet should look like. Like showing actual toes or looking like a shoe. I drew something instead of leaving that part out. Idk if I'll change it in the future cuz drawing it like this is faster than the more detailed version.

"Sadly" I was more careful while working on these, I didn't make much lines on the lineart part, so they are a bit different than the previous sketches. At least the colouring is pretty similar.

I like how the canvas is getting filled up with these characters, altho I might won't have enough space for all of em in the end. xd



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