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I randomly started sketching up some of the ideas I collected to feature on a Original Character. I was thinking of another symbiote, but idk how this looks anymore. Looks like a random monster or alien... sooo.. that counts too, no? xd

The features I had in my head sounded better than they are looking now on this imo. I wanted to make a symbiote with a bit longer neck. a bit slim/boney, having small eyes, a one lined smile with some teeth at the edges, the colours would be strictly dark and green coloured patterns, 3 stripes on both shoulders, 2 lines on the front of the neck, a simple thin line for both eyes at the side. Then, thanks to a new outfit in Fallout76, I fell in love with the thought that the symbiote would wear some claw hand jewelry with chains hanging around their fingers/hand.

These ideas, as said before, were promising in my head, but guess in reality, they don't really look good together. Or they still need some fixings.
Maybe the green colour is just weird to use for me. Also the said one-lined mouth would just make the character look like some kind of robot or weird creature. I'm a bit disappointed that I had to draw the same mouth (with teeth) that I use for FemVenom and Carnage (I like my characters having their own unique characteristics). So I kinda added some cheeks on her and player with the end of the mouth-line.

The gasmask idea came from the AMV I still keep re-watching and re-listening to that I've mentioned in an earlier post. A character there wears a similar mask. I had a random thought of adding it onto a character. Altho, I was planning to add it to a different one, but tried it on this and.. guess I like it. xd It gives some steampunk vibes for me now.

I keep imagining, this character would be the calm, chilling one in my stories with the others. She likes to create things, like cooking for example and likes jewelry (cuz of that hand thingy). And I thought her name would be Amanda (looking it's meaning, it's kinda nice for her too: "it's a Latin name meaning "loveable or "worthy of love".).
I couldn't figure out other features for her or fitting pattern, I tried to make some, but didn't like it. So she's still in heavy WIP status.
I'm not even sure if the darker jaw and neck part looks good on her or not, but at least it gives a different look for her than without it. I'm also unsure of the colours of her opened mouth and tongue. I was thinking it would be green too, but that looks weird (?), but then again, adding too much colour would make her look like just one random, lame, too crowded detailed oc on the internet.. :s
I was also thinking maybe dressing up her? Thought about this when I noticd the steampunk vibes, but maybe that'd be too much, idk.. Eventho some official symbiotes do have some kind of clothes on em.. hmm...

- On the last submission Iw as trying out the colours for her tongue. Maybe the same green? Should it be like lighting up or something? Or maybe black? Blue?? Having some gradient colour?? I was testing it and made a few examples to see it.
- The 2 files before this in the line are the full canvas I was seeing while working on this. I didn't progress much on the bottom right corner. Just drew a random body to see how to design her, but didn't really get to far.. xd
- The first 6 pictures is the first sketch I've made of her and the alt I've made out of it. First 3 is while she has a darker set of skin colour on her jaw and throat part of her neck. The next 3 is without this addition. The claw jewelry thingy was not worked out that much, it was still just a sketch to see how it looks, then I left it like that.

So anyways, thought I share what I've just spent some of my hours on.. xd
I did this on monday, and guess as time went on, I kept looking back at this and was getting to like it more and more.



Izadore G-012

I love the glow effects