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So this's the middle part in the "plotline" for this 3-pictured series.
Made 2 versions cuz I thought the single biting would be too rough. & I kinda like the tongue version too, anyways (maybe better tbh).

Originally, for the story idea for the pic, I thought my kinkbiote would be whispering into symbiote spidey's ears while getting pretty close in distance. Saying something like "Pleasure me" and that would be the result of the 3rd drawing. This was the basic idea for the drawing.
- I tried, but I did not like such text on the drawing, so I've left that out.
- The reference I used was of a lady biting a guy's earlobe, so I rolled with it like what if the symbiote suit were getting bitten? In fear it would look like actual, harmful biting (or worse, maybe some would look at it as devouring???) I decided to make a version where there's only licking, with the tongue showing. At least I've got the chance to draw that tongue this time. xd
- The trace of the licking was made in thoughts of my 2nd drawing with Venom and Gwen, thought I could do that feature again. Drawing the tongue came after, so I had to add some additional wet lines around that muscle, not making it too crowded with shiney lines there.
- I've also added a bitemark on Spidey at the lower part of his neck. Barely noticable, but it is there.
- Actually, out of the 3 stages of pictures, this is the only one without any steam around, ha.

This drawing was quite a challange cuz of it's unique perspective. A few times, I've selected parts of the lineart and stretched em, moved the lines to make it look like it fits for such angle. I'm really liking how it came out in the end, even before shading. At first I wasn't even sure if I should keep the shadows, but damn, it made it look good. The only downside of this is that it's hard to make a good looking avatar out of this, cuz it looks fucked up without seeing the whole picture. xd
I also had a fear it would look like Spidey's neck got snapped there, but idk, it's pretty hard to make it look right with such few details on the character. xd In the reference I think the guy was nibbling the chick's neck.. It's even a shot from above btw, so it's not like they are laying or anything..

This took a lot of time cuz I kept checking the mirrored view to see if I've made any mistake that I'm unable to see then, then I realised I've liked the mirrored view more. And cuz of the character is not symmetrical.... I had to re-draw her pattern and gear... then after adding the shadows, I realised I actually like the originally sided viewpoint of the drawing............. so I've decided to do em both in the end and choose later. xd

There are 4 different colour variations cuz... cuz I kinda like em and decided to make em xd At first there were 3 colours, then made a 4th... I barely can choose which one I should publish. Probably gonna sleep on it before deciding.
- All pics went under the photoshop treatment, that's why the contrast and saturation are so intense.
- The first colour variation was the first 4 drawings, it was mostly purple. The lineart of these blends in with the colours a bit.
- The 2nd version (the next 4 pics) is the same as before, but the lineart is darker, black at some parts, the pictures have more a more dominant pinkish colour and stronger contrast.
- 3rd version (next 4 drawings) were made in thoughts of the last stage of the story, ended making a set with an even more vibrant/dominant colour of hot pink/red with strong contrast.
- the last set of colour version was a mix between the 1rst and 3rd, creating a picture with a mixture of purple and pink look.

That being said, idk what else I can tell about this.. maybe these last 3 drawings are proof that I can still draw if I just keep trying and doing it, soo... I'll try to go back to some old ideas and finish em this time. xd

Hope ya guys like it and sorry for the hoard of variations. I should stop making so many cuz these also require extra time to make em..



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