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In this post I'll try to gather around the memories, sketches n' wips and tell how I've come to the state where I am atm reagarding with my symbiote OC's design.

First off, I received an Anon ask about drawing a female version of Carnage (in 2019);

Link of this post is: here.
Similar to my version of femVenom, I wanted to create her looking different than any other, but still be similar to it's male version. In R63 Venom's case, it was pretty easy, cuz it only needed a big spider symbol on the middle of her torso to make her alike (altho I came up with my own symbol for that aswell). But still made her face look different (especially regarding the teeth part).
The basic problem with this was that I haven't really drawn any Carnage prior this, cuz the way he is shown, his pattern confuses me, I can't figure out it's pattern's system, therefore it's hard for me to even draw him. So I avoided drawing him despite having ideas where he's present too.

As time passed this idea kept wandering in my head. I kept thinking about features of a possible femcarnage's design. The first and basic idea was that she would have holes at the side of her mouth (which could be closed by her will, of course), her teeth would be shown at the front and even their baselines (so it wouldn't look like Carnage's or FemVenom's). These were just thoughts in my head and at the begining of 2020 October, I thought I'd just sketch down these, see how it would look like. Then I've found myself with a figure that has been already drawn down till the hips.

yes, at the very begining her colours were blue, instead of red.
I also knew I wanted her to have a choker, which I also love for the looks, and knew I wanted it to have little spikes around, coloured yellow. At the right upper part of the picture, I wrote some ideas prior colouring and designing in my own language. (translated as: "yellow spikes?")

Design-wise, I knew I wanted the teeth to be dark coloured and the same colour as the skin around that part. I'm also all for skull-looks and alike, so started making a dark line with her pattern that would go down to her chin, then thought I'd continue on the neck part aswell. Then I went back and started adding the pattern at the upper part of the head. I hesitated a bit, not knowing what kind of pattern I should add at her forehead and around the eyes, then I remembered I loved how Furiosa from Mad Max (2015) looked like when I saw the movie; the upper part of her head was painted black, it looked simple and still cool. I tried and liked the result to make it stay.
I also added 1 "cut" into her pattern at the cheek part for both of the sides, under the eye. Kinda gave me the skull-like vibe for the cheekbones and wouldn't make the pattern that dull.
At the very begining I was imagining this character to be a grumpy type, but I guess after this addition to her look, I kinda made her like she's smiling or something.. so I only see her as happy now. xd

I did this picture back then to compare SMALL design differences.
Top part has teeth with baseline, bottom row misses it (it has zigzag teeth like Carnage and FemVenom).
Also the first column has that one darker pattern line at the jaw part and the 2nd column misses it. Needless to say, I kept the very first picture's design out of the 4.

As I was preseting my sketches to a few people, one pointed out that if I want to make it Carnage-like, it should be red coloured and I already have a few characters in blue-ish colours anyways. I liked the original colours to be honest, even cuz in this way, the holes at the mouth part would be more visible with these colours cuz of the contrast of the blue and red (the inside of the mouth). But checked out different colours anyways, which are showed under:

I just changed the "Hue" settings on the picture, which resulted in the 2nd option, then made the darker pattern darker and coloured differently which resulted in the 3rd and last option, that for me, gave me demonic vibes for her. I really liked it and did not even went further with changes.
Altho I still kept looking back on the basic colouring.. xd that gives a calmer feel to look at with all those blueish colours. So I was kinda sad to abandon that (still, I can go back to it, if the drawing's settings allows it and such).
The only problem with this colour scheme is that the hole parts are not that visible in this way. I thought of colouring her tongue and insides differently like.. blue? yellow?? ...purple? But it's just doesn't look that good. xd
And yes, the choker was the same colour as her pattern at first.

I've also made like +6 variations for the pattern at her arms. Kept checking other, official symbiote designs and some superhero concepts, until I settled with the final design.
Instead of making her having some bracelets around the part where her arm joins with the shoulder, I made a line there with her pattern. I was thinking in this way I could avoid adding too much accessories onto her (and also save time with the drawing).
Thus, the first picture of her was born:

Started working on her at 2020 October 1rst, ~3 AM and made this picture on the next day (as I've visited again for the arm parts).

The next time I continued concepting her was at October 31, after 3 AM, after I did a few sfm poses that I'd use as bases to finish her pattern design. Prior I've saved some photo references for keyfeatures I wanted to try to add on her.
Found this photo among other references I've saved, then used it for posing in sfm:

I used the bl2 Maya's model for the pose reference. The left side was the one I've made based on the photo, then the right side is basically the same, just changed to fit for a frontal view.
As my main focus was to work on the pattern asap, I quickly outlined her, changed at a few parts to fit my likes more and began to colour.

As it's noticable on the picture, I've already put a few helps and refs on the left side while working (to avoid switching windows a lot). Upper part is for the already settled design to look at and to get into the mood of her style, and under it are some screenshots from Fallout76.
Before getting to work on her again, I've already had some thoughts of her other features and accessories. I had a chat a few days ago with a friend of this:

As mentioned there, I was planning to give her some kind of belts under her butt. I was inspired by photos, some lewd materials and.. well.. Fallout has that nice touch too that kept me in thoughts as; "I wanna use that little detail in my drawings". xd

Found a nice tweet that also inspired me to give her such gear, altho in the end, it did not came out exactly like that:

Thought I would somehow manage to combine her pattern and belts to get a similar look like this, but in the end, did not, and that's still okay imo.
BUT back to my process;
At first I was not planning to make a full body drawing of her, but then ended doing it anyways:

Around the time I was working on her, I was also really obsessed with a type of donut that was available in one of the stores around. Sadly, it's not available now(?), but have similar tastes instead. The reason I'm telling this is that I'm pretty sure, those dried raspberry sprinkles topping was also inspired me to give her dot-like, pink(/red) coloured patterns on her. Especially targeted around her waist and the side of the thighs (also the reason I imagine her favourite dessert to be this, or just simply donuts in general).

(text in hungarian can be translated as: "heavenly raspberry flavoured donut" .. and it was indeed freakin delicious! xd )

After making that drawing, I continued doing the front pattern design.
It was a bit difficult without her colours, because she reminded me of my Venom, just with different teeth.. Seen in the first part of this:

Even in my very first design, I thought adding a lil cut from above in her eyes, inspired by the old cartoon where I got to know Venom from. (seriously, it was hard to find a good looking screenshot of him from that show now on the internet, to show it as an example in that pic above xdd)
So if I make her look angry, I guess I still need to add that, to make her more distinct and not like the others.. (or just simply colour her xD)

For her tongue, I once saw a monster tongue design where it seemed it had side bumps/lumps(?) on each side of that muscle's edge-line. Sadly I've lost the link, but the memory stayed and tried that look out. After showing to a friend and he really agreed with the feature, I decided to keep it. Fits to the monster-vibe aswell, imo.
The belts on her thigh also suppose to have 2 flat dots at the inner part, which was inspired by a lewd irl content I saw. I can't remember what was it nor find it, later I found a video that was similar, so maybe the idea is from a video.. idk anymore xd
The 3 side spikes on the outter side of the belts are just there cuz of my liking so.

After some fast shading and lighting just to try it out how it looks, I called this sketch finished. I remember I had to re-draw her face at the begining, that side face to her left was just the first sketch of how her tongue would look like, then kept it.

The next time I visited this character again (2020.11.25.) was with the intention of giving her a proper back design, since on that picture above, (cuz of the angle,) I could not work on it more or make it more visible. After a lot of failed search for refs, I used sfm again instead.
Went back to the same pose, and rotated the model enough to make her show as much as I needed it to.
According to my saved wips, I worked on this back design roughly +8 hours. At first I was trying to copy from the first, sideview version cuz there were parts I liked. Figuring out a pattern was pretty difficult, I didn't want her back to be complitely black/dark skinned there and I also wanted to highlight some keyfeatures of the human body on her as in bones and/or muscles. I tried to somehow make the spine outstanding aswell, but I'm not sure I achieved that at all.. xd

I also got some heads-up ("time to sleep?") message at one point, which lead to a lil chat about my process:

As mentioned before, first I tried to copy from a previous sketch of her, lining up the basic lines first and trying out some other things:

Then when I was chatting with my friend, I already added the basic belt under the butt, and added other things I thought of trying out. As shown in the chat, I thought about giving her some bandage around her arm like a sleeve, but instead of the ordinary light colour, I gave it the same colour as her other gear (in this way, I can avoid giving her too much colours aswell). The bandage idea is also a lil personal thing, cuz while using my digital drawing tablet, I also have a sleeve on my right arm (that has no fingers). Instead of buying some pro stuff, I use this and like it. Mine is gray with black strips on it tho.
On her right arm, there suppose to be one bandage strip going over her palm, while on her left arm, it's shorter and only goes until her wrist:

I'm not sure if I should leave those red spots around her elbow peeking out from the bandage btw.

After this part, I made her design too detailed and complicated (and after this wip, I took a 2 days break from this):

I mostly struggled at the upper part in the line of shoulders. Didn't know how to work that out, so I just kept painting and erasing a lot, trying to simplify it so if I ever come back to it, it won't be that difficult and time-consuming to re-create it.
So at 2020.11.28. the design evolved into this:

In this picture above, I kept that line around her waist which is suppose to represent the bottom, end part of the ribcage in a way. Then "connected" it to a line that goes upwards, highlighting the spine.
(notice how I also added one more belt stuff at the top part of the left arm, ha)

After trying out those 2 red lines going down around the scapulas in a slightly curved way, I found it would fit her and it also gives the "demonic" look again (and maybe some spider symbol-vibes? idk, felt like that at that time).

I felt satisfied with her looks after such struggles and then I immediatelly started a new sketch with her, which at that time I didn't think through cuz the reference showed her back part so... I had to work on that again xd
(I'm talking of the drawing where I drew her ontop of Spiderman2099.)

I probably gonna change her looks or miss out details of her in the future, either by mistake or on purpose. I only started to give her spikes (as I wanted to from the begining) in my last drawing and I'm still not settled with that either.
I also still have some ideas for her design here and there, but I gotta draw her more first to see how those look on her. 😎
I already had thoughts of some nsfw material with her using her tongue, aswell as some sfw comics where she's with the others.
I also keep getting back to think about her name, somehow I feel like I should use another or make her have more than one name... I'm bad with giving names... xd

As she's my creation I fond of her in a way, and maybe, therefore I'm not really feel like I have to set a standard when depicting this character, to be respectful to the originals (that were not made by me). Has a kind of freedom feeling working on her.

I have no other wips left worth sharing of her in this post, so I'll be ending this. Sorry if I've made some grammar mistakes or if my text wasn't that clear..(at least there are some nice pics, ha xd).
I hope people will like her, cuz I'm sure I do. c:
If you've reached the end of this post; Thank you for reading!



General Amador

Wow I loved reading and seeing how you drew out this OC of yours. The examples give a clear insight of how your drawing and thinking process goes over time and how you go from adding and subtracting items and colors. It’s a very helpful insight for my drawings as well and I’m so glad you share this information to help me as well. I can’t wait to see more of this wonderful character. 😁


I'm glad if this helps you in a way. c: Anything can inspire you if you see the potentional in it (or if ya have special eyes ha) and know how to use it up. Taking notes and/or pics to not forget things is also recommended xd I'll be drawing her more in the future for sure! c: