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I don't usually make a storyboard before getting onto a project, but I did sketch something up for this so I would not forget it. Guess thanks to that, I continued working on this in a more serious mode.

I most likely won't be ready with this when I want to be, due to the many panels I plan to make for this comic (and cuz I dunno how to end it yet xd). Atm I plan to make ~8 panels for this comic, have 7 sketched down and +1 posed in sfm (that I might make 2 panels based on, idk). I also have to figure out how the environment should look (probably gonna look for that in the game).

At first I wrote down the monologue texts, seperated with numbers according to which panels I want to use em. Then sketched down the panels I've already had an idea of (right part of the picture above, of course), then used sfm for references, posings and even checked on some assaultrons in Fallout76 for that 3rd panel to look like that (couldn't find any reference for a walking assaultron on google).
I used a male Shepard model for that dead guy who's suppose to be a raider. I don't want to spoil much, but the assaultron here is just checking out the place, she wasn't the one getting rid of that guy. I won't draw or show who did it, cuz the story is not focused on that. The idea just came by by the fact that when a player gets into a vault, they most likely clear the place out. This assaultron was just not around at that time and is just facing the leftovers.

I'll try to keep the panels look simple and make the last panel(s?) more colourful. I probably won't be able to make this comic in black-and-white or gray.. (idk, somehow it looks greenish in sai if I set the sarutation zero and I don't like that)



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