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Just letting y'all know what to expect from this Patreon in the coming month+

1) Slipshine Pencils/Inks: I got my script approved, so I've begun penciling, and will share those here!

2) More pitch stuff... but different: Okay, this part is a bit long, but my journey to pitch comics for publication has taken a few turns.

Remember the pitch I shared with you? I was sending it to publishers, but pumped the breaks after talking to industry friends, who after looking over my stuff suggested I get an agent. And after hearing their arguments, I've been changing the pitch up and writing query letters, and that's what I've been focusing on. I sent 2 agent queries off so far.

But there's an interesting event on the horizon: #DVPit. Basically an event where marginalized creators looking for publishers/agents/representation/etc tweet out their pitches so see if anyone wants to pick up said pitch. That's on the 26th, and I'm going to be making Twitter-friendly pitches and artwork to participate.

I'm really serious about finding an agent. And I figure I won't just pitch Home-Bound on DVPit, I'll also pitch two other comic ideas of mine - Starry Knight and Toxic Witches.

So I'll be making new art just for this - cover mock-ups, sample pages... I don't know. But I'll be sharing those here as I work towards that Oct 26th deadline to participate.


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