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So I'm finally biting the bullet and putting together a submission for Hiveworks. I'm gonna be submitting Home-Bound as a webcomic and am working on a small pitch packet.

With that in mind I finally sat down and figured out how I want the characters to look. Porrima and Hitch have had the most changes. Hitch just needed a more "toony" head (she looked too much like a real capybara) to fit in better.

I added a brown spot to Porrima's face to help give her facial features context. Her pointy snout can look a little weird if I don't draw it right from certain angles, and having a shape on her face to indicate the countours/structure might help me a lot. that way every time I draw her I don't have to draw intricate grids and forms.

That's the idea, anyway. Would y'all wanna see the pitch after I finish it? It is full of spoilers, I could always share and edited one! Might be fun to share.



Noel H.

I wouldn't mind seeing an edited pitch! Good luck with the hiveworks submission! I'll be crossing fingers!

Ozone S.

Looking great! Good luck to you. 🤞