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I only had 1 post in May, and it was just some pages demonstrating the contract comic gig that kept me so quiet and busy for months. Now I'm getting back up to speed with other jobs, and have stuff to show, but didn't want to cram it into the last week of May just to justify a Patreon payout. That felt insincere and weird. Like a last-minute money grab.

So instead I'm saving those to be scheduled out starting June 1st/tomorrow and post regularly.

Also, there is a lot of strife in the world right now in regards to the protests, riots, police violence, curfews, etc so if y'all wanna divert your funds to the BLM cause, I'd encourage that. Like I said last month, while ever dollar is appreciated while I get my shit back together to move out on my own again, I am very safe. There are people who aren't, more so than last month.

If you are looking for organizations to divert your funds to, here is a copy-paste from twitter. It is not comprehensive as due to escalating events, the needs have grown in various cities, so please check out your local organizations if you're near a major city where protests are happening.

via Twitter  https://twitter.com/inmyavenue/status/1266903192966590465 


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